Vomitingchicken.com Legal Disclosure
Hi folks! A few salient points for you, since you’ve taken the time to click over here.

But first, a sweet photo of my dog ‘Pone.
- I write and create Vomitingchicken.com. That is me, Amy Young Miller. Though I am a super-nice lady, if I say so myself–I’m not an expert on anything, just somebody who enjoys doing things, growing stuff, and making and mending things. The various projects, recipes, suggestions, and health tips on this website are not infallible; they simply are what worked for me, and I encourage you to take extra precautions and do additional research before jumping into your own projects. I am not responsible for your personal safely or the outcome of your own various projects, recipes, health projects or whatnot that you may read about in this space.
- Vomitingchicken.com is a for-profit blog, and, as such, contains paid banner ads that a third party network generates and manages. This website also includes relevant affiliate links which I do my best to clearly mark as such. I earn from qualifying purchases (which means that if you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission, which does NOT lead to any additional cost to you). The affiliate income I earn helps pay the bills and keep this site up and running. Thank you for your support; I do appreciate it!
- Vomitingchicken.com reserves the right to remove, replace, or move about any images or content without prior notice. I do a site redesign every few years, typically, when I have my rear in gear. I credit and link all photos that I didn’t take to their outside sources, and they are in the public domain and readily available on the Internet (published according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act, title 17, U.S. Code). I have taken all photos not credited to an outside source, and they are rights protected. And I know a lawyer. By the way.
- If you are a brand or company, if you use any of my photos or other content (videos, copy, logo, etc) on any of your items/channels/etc (your website, mailers, sale listings, social media accounts, product packaging, etc) without express written permission, I will be quite unhappy indeed. Failure to ask my permission to use any of these properties constitutes a copyright violation. And yes, my hubs is a lawyer. Well, okay, no, he isn’t, but I have friends who are. And who love me very much, if you get my meaning. (Also: grrrr. Don’t be careless.)
- If you are a fellow blogger, God bless you, and you may use an image or two from vomitingchicken.com as long as you credit them to me and include a link back to this site. You are stoutly prohibited from using VC photos in bulk, even with credit given. Stoutly!! (Recall the lawyer, if you please.) Please contact me for express permission if you’d like to use more than a few photos. Duplicating any of this site’s text is strictly prohibited. Please paraphrase, summarize, or link to copy instead of cutting and pasting it. The design and layout and content of vomitingchicken.com is the sole property of Amy Young Miller. Yo. That’s me.
- Phew! That was boring, wasn’t it? But I had to do it. Now you can go on to more interesting stuff. I hope you enjoy the content of this website!