Tomfoolery on Independence Day

Independence Day is, possibly, my favorite holiday. There’s not a lot of fuss and bother getting ready for it, as long as you have the firepit ready and a good supply of brats in the freezer. And a watermelon. You can eat potato chips without much guilt. It’s a holiday, after all. Other reasons I love this day: we can be outside all day; there are plenty of flags flying; you have perfectly good reasons to sit in the lawn chairs (which have stayed unused and pretty dusty so far this summer); patriotic music is always uplifting; and fireworks. The kids always find new ways to have fun outside, and the weather this year was absolutely perfect for outdoor fun: not too hot. I even wore a jacket in the morning, when I did my early chores.
I guess we all inherited a love of water play from our mother, who never looks happier than when she is blasting somebody with her water gun or slipping an ice cube down somebody’s back. Thanks for this, Mom. So nice to inherit something so useful. 😉 Our Fourth this year included a big meal of grilled brats, watermelon, potato chips, and corn on the cob, and the traditional fireworks show (made even better by the neighbors’ show across the road, happening at the same time) but also water balloons rolled off the roof. This was a new addition. It was fun, and some of the spectators got wet too, not surprisingly. We also managed a quick fishing trip the day before.
So here are some photos of the day. All photo credits go to my daughters Amalia and Bethie. If I have to choose between snapping photos and holding a grandkid, well, you know which one I choose. 🙂

Rods and canoe all ready for catching a load of fish. Only. We just caught one. *sigh* Well done, Bethie.

Nephew Lukie and little Mack bait their hooks.

turquoise dragonflies, all in a row!

two cuties and their polska-bot hats

“Faux Matt” made an appearance, driving his truck all the way from Wyoming.

This is what happens when you move out of state . . .

Princess Anee tried very hard to be brave through the fireworks show.
It was quite a celebration! God Bless America! Now you surely must understand why Independence Day is my favorite.
 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
    the people he chose for his inheritance.
 From heaven the Lord looks down
    and sees all mankind;
 from his dwelling place he watches
    all who live on earth—
 he who forms the hearts of all,
    who considers everything they do.
 No king is saved by the size of his army;
    no warrior escapes by his great strength.
 A horse is a vain hope for deliverance;
    despite all its great strength it cannot save.
 But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him,
    on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
 to deliver them from death
    and keep them alive in famine.
 We wait in hope for the Lord;
    he is our help and our shield.
 In him our hearts rejoice,
    for we trust in his holy name.
 May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,
    even as we put our hope in you.” –Ps 33:12-22
I hope your summer has plenty of celebratory moments, too, my Gentle Reader.
BY THE WAY. . . I’m hanging out at The Prairie Homestead today, with a bunch of cool links. Come on over and join me!