Travel snaps: a trip to St. Louis, Part I

Here little Mack makes his mother nervous as he contemplates how far he can lean over the pool.
Last summer we took a trip to St. Louis to visit with our oldest son, Matthew, and his bride, Rachel. It was fun to be a country mouse in the big city for a few days. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

I think these seedpods are worth straining out across the pond to get a better look, don’t you?
Matthew and Rachel took us over to one of the beautiful city parks: Tower Grove Park. It was amazing. I wish I could just live there for awhile, and explore every tree and pavilion.

Timothy sees how nervous he can make his mum by climbing higher and higher . . .
Of course the park was filled with big handsome old trees, and Timothy picked the best one to climb . . . and climbed it. And of course I took pictures.

Here’s my boy, so happy in the top of a tree. Maybe he was actually a howler monkey in a former life.

These water lilies were almost too pretty and too perfect to be real! But our creator can do pretty and perfect better than the silk flower factories.

Around the picturesque bandstand (in the background) are busts of well-known composers. Here Beethoven frowns down at us.
There are eleven beautiful pavilions scattered around the park, and trees and bushes and flowers in grand and glorious profusion.

I think these are Crepe Myrtle: we can’t grow these out on the prairie.

Another tree that had an arresting structure: can I climb this one, Mom, please?

Little Mack got his wish: “I can climb as well as Timothy!”

I love taking these kinds of pictures: Matthew, our oldest, walks with little Mack, our youngest.
I will post more of these pictures another day, since I have hundreds! Thanks for stopping by to look at my travel snaps!
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- 29 Things that will make your life better in 2013
Love the seedpod picture.
I love those seedpods! Thanks for your comment.
Beautiful Pictures. I am from the UK but I have been to St.Louis before and they do have beautiful parks. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve met so many nice people from the UK during this blog challenge! Thanks for your comments!
Such wonderful pictures! What kind of camera did you use? The shots are so breathtaking, vibrant with color! Made me want to be there with you! 🙂
Hope you had a ton of fun. It sure sounds like you did!
Believe it or not, my camera is just a little digital point-and-shoot. It’s a Canon Power Shot SD1300 IS. I have been very happy with it. Thanks for you comments!
Great to get a reminder of how “Gods Footprint” is so much better than “mans footprint”. Silk flowers vis the real thing is a perfect example. thanks for sharing these during the cold winter months.
Oh I love seeing other parts of the world. What wonderful family pics, why is there a bust of Beethoven tho? i’m intrigued.
Anita-Clare, Thanks for your comment! There were busts of many composers around the bandstand in the park. It was a classic touch!