If you’ve been leaning toward planting blueberry bushes this fall . . .
Here’s another reason why you might want to do it:

WOW! Such color!
Our blueberry bushes are just beginning to turn to this gorgeous fuschia shade. The one in the foreground is ahead of the ones in the back. Pretty, eh?
If you’re leaning toward planting blueberry bushes this fall, here’s something I wrote about how we planted ours, and what we do to keep them healthy. Blueberry plants love acidic soil, and our soil is decidedly not that, so we had to do a bit of extra when we planted them, but the results were definitely worth it. And that color–pop! It’s lovely in our landscape.
Just thought you might want to know, Gentle Reader . . .
I’m going to link up with The Prairie Homestead and Frugally Sustainable again with this post. Come on over and learn something new from their Blog Hops!
- Some pumpkin tomfoolery
- The Day I Accidentally Shot My Velvet Pumps Six Pews Up: A Church Story
They look gorgeous! What lovely autumnal colours 🙂
Wow, when I saw the title I expected to see bushes with lots of blueberries on them. I didn’t expect such beautiful colours. They are gorgeous – just the sort of colour I like in my garden!
Angelika, these bushes really did produce lots of berries in the early summer. Now they deserve a break, but they’ll really impress us with this color, first!
They sure are lovely in their autumn colors. I planted one–single–in a pot a few years ago. It produced fruit for two years and then died. So sad. Lily of the valley has taken over the space now, lovely in spring but then just leaves.
Lily of the valley is such a beautiful little flower, Francene, and so easy to care for, too!
I came back here and realized my comment from yesterday either didn’t publish, or perhaps I put it on the original post from earlier this year by mistake? Anyway, I did intend to comment – sorry! I sympathize completely with the longing of needing to plant something that “isn’t supposed to grow here”. Especially something as luscious as blueberries, which we take for granted here in upstate New York. I’m glad you found a way to grow them and make your dream come true. Maybe you can start a local Nebraska blueberry industry. The possibilities! (I hope they do continue to thrive for you despite your sometimes very hot, severe weather).
This patch is 3 years old, so it’s a case of so-far-so-good, although honestly since we kept them alive during last year’s disastrous drought, I think they’re good to go! (I probably shouldn’t say that!) Can’t imagine blueberries growing wild! You are blessed!
Beautiful! Blueberry bushes are on my list plants for 2014. I want more fruit bearing foliage and these are perfect. Thanks for sharing!
Enjoy them! THey are gorgeous!
Can you tell me how late is to late to plant blueberries..?
Like any dormant plant, you can plant them until the frozen ground has made it impossible to do so. The real question might be how long you can obtain them. I buy my blueberry plants in the spring from a gardener’s catalog, and I know that they run out of them after a time.
Hi Nebrasister! I want to take a stab at planting some along the creek at my new homestead. Who did you get your plants from? What varieties do you have- I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pink one!!!
Carmen, Hi!! You can buy blueberry bushes from a lot of different places now. Remember to choose from the varieties that are developed for the northern climes. I think I ordered most of mine from Harris Seeds. My pop gave me a lovely pink blueberry bush, but it was tiny and it didn’t make it, unfortunately! GOOD LUCK and I’d love to hear back from you about your experience!