Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, my Gentle Reader.
Today will be a busy day at our house, as we exchange a few gifts and eat a special meal and celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, amidst the chores and the bustle of everyday. The chickens will still need to be fed, of course, and the dogs, cats, the goose, and the men. Just joking about the men part. Kind of.
We’ll have waffles and fruit for breakfast, and then lasagna, salad, garlic bread for dinner. I like to have something all ready, that I can pop in the oven, so I don’t have to stand out in the kitchen for long. There are so many other things to do.
We’ll eat ice cream for dessert. And Christmas cookies, natch.
Through it all, we’ll be thanking God more than usual, for that bitty baby who was actually God, and came down to endure a life and death on Earth, just so we would have the opportunity to accept the gift of forgiveness of our sins.
So, so thankful.
- We picked lots of wild things to decorate our gifts this year: sunflower seed heads, milkweed pods, weeds, a tiny bird’s nest, and crabapple branches. The winter landscape is packed with pretties!
“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.“

Rose hips are dried out yet still retain their color and will make a beautiful package decoration.
“And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” –Isaiah 9:6

beautiful milkweed pods
“Prince of Peace.”
Prince of Peace.

Chooks staying warm inside the coop.
Dear ones, I hope you have lots of Christmas fun, and I hope the peace of Christ will rule in your hearts today. I hope when you fall into your bed this night that your head will be swimming with new Christmas memories, and that you’ll have a big ole’ goofy smile on your face. Honestly, I do.
I appreciate you, my Gentle Readers, I really do! Thank you for checking in so often, thank you for your sweet comments and your “shares” and “likes.” Thank you for the privilege of getting to know many of you through your questions and observations. Thank you for pushing a bit for me to do better
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Now go out there and have a Merry Christmas and a very, very prosperous and Happy New Year!
- Making Pfeffernusse cookies with the ‘rents
- How Facebook’s shenanigans might affect YOU
Wait! I hear it!
Yes, I finally deciphered all that cacophony coming from your free range chickens…
They are saying- Merry Christmas to you all….
Even they are joining in…
There are noisy . . . you can hear them all the way out there, Roy??
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks for the lovely article.
Thanks for popping in, Anita! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, also!
Beautiful post! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Thanks Kristen! And to you and yours, too!
What a lovely post!
Merry Christmas 🙂
THank you Sophie! Merry Christmas to you!
How wonderful to celebrate Christmas with the beauty of nature. In a way, I did also. We had the most wonderful sunset tonight, to top it all off.
What a treat, Alana!
Wild, natural growth makes beautiful decorations. My love goes to you and your family.
THank you, my dear friend Francene. Blessings on your Christmas, too!
Merry Christmas!!
I notice from one of your lovely pics that you use leaves as the litter in your chicken coop. I’d been doing that too in previous years. This year I have to use straw because the way the seasons changed, I wasn’t able to gather any dry leaves, or few at least. I’m not liking the straw much. I like the leaves much better. Did you try straw too and decide you liked leaves better?
Actually I use whatever I can get my grubby hands on! I think my very favorite mixture would be a mixture of dry leaves (pin oak leaves are great because they don’t decompose very fast) and grass clippings (the hens will snack on them all winter long) and straw. Last year, straw was too expensive, and we had a farmer put up our hay, so I used hay and grass clippings (we don’t use chemicals on our grass) and leaves (my mother loves me and loves my chickens and has brought several pick-up loads of leaves from her yard, since we don’t have many leaves out here). (Yes I know that I’m a spoiled brat!) 😉 Whenever the bedding looks a little mashed or flat, I add more bedding (I’ve got more hay bales stored away) and I turn it, just like compost, about once a week. On a nice day in the early spring, I’ll boot the chooks out of the coop, pause to watch them do their happy dance out in the sunshine, and then I’ll clean out all this manure-rich bedding and spread it on my garden and add it to my compost pile. OH I CAN’T WAIT!! Blessings, Rita!