Fried Green Tomatoes: a healthy, cleaned-up recipe!
It’s a very traditional sight at this time of year, boxes and crates of ripening green tomatoes on the back porch of gardeners you know. The night before a killing freeze, we gardeners all trudge out to our respective gardens and pick every green tomato that is worth its salt. The ones with insect damage, bruising or flaws I toss to my appreciative chooks.
The others I carry inside and delight in. They are not as tasty as the ones that ripen naturally on the vines, but hey, beggars–at this point in the season–can’t be choosers.
I love to make a batch or two of fried green tomatoes every fall and make a meal out of them. They are so tasty and satisfying, and I rarely make them any other time of the year, for obvious reasons.

By the way . . . this is one of the new lights that we put into the temporary “party kitchen.” I am working on a post about our kitchen remodel, I promise!
This fall, Amalia is battling chronic headache and is on a restrictive diet, for the forseeable future: she is eating mainly meat, vegetables, and fruits, and is not eating corn, soy, wheat, sugar, or dairy. This has proven to be a challenge for us, but we are meeting it head-on! Oiy. She insists that I should cook whatever I want to cook, but I can’t do that. I try as much as possible to only cook things that she can eat, too (with the exception of an occasional batch of scones or bread). Thus, I’ve “cleaned up” my fried green tomato recipe, adding some more nutritious (and non-inflammatory) ingredients, and guess what–they are just as good.
Possibly better.
And they’ve got to be better for you. 😉 Want to try them?
1. Whisk together egg and milk. Combine dry ingredients in a shallow dish. Dip tomato slices in egg mixture, and then dredge in mixture of dry ingredients.
2. Pour oil to a depth of 1/2 inch in a large cast-iron skillet; heat to 375° over medium-high heat. Drop tomatoes, in batches, into hot oil, and cook 2 minutes on each side or until golden. Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle hot tomatoes with salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese (and optional pepper flakes) to taste.
Thanks for stopping by, you. I hope you have a fabulous day!
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Now this looks wonderful and I have got to try it, when and if I can get my hands on some green tomatoes. Up north that was no problem but down here we have time to let everything on the vine ripen fully. I won’t buy the somewhat green, off pink tomatoes in the supermarkets when there are farmers markets open all over Puerto Vallarta. If we wish to look, we can find one almost every day of the week. We are growing some of our own tomatoes and perhaps I will be tempted to pick a couple a little early so I can try them with your recipe. On a side note, the sweet corn is in the ground out back, another crop we grow ourselves down here.
I’d love to hear more about the sweet corn you raise, Chef. Is it the old-fashioned varieties, or the newer super-sweet ones? I can’t even imagine eating sweet corn this time of year!
I am excited to try this recipe! 🙂
Let me know how you like it, Nathana. I think a dipping sauce would be a really nice addition.
Has Amalia heard of the autoimmune protocol or AIP? It sounds like she’s eating close to it. I hate to be “that person” with another suggestion of “here do this!” And I don’t normally suggest it to just anyone because it is hard to do, but since she’s already making dietary adjustments and it has helped us so much I couldn’t resist.
The basis is a paleo diet which it sounds like she’s pretty much there, but you go through a strict elimination period, eliminating inflammatory foods and ingredients and adding in highly nourishing foods like organ meats and bone broth, in addition to managing your stress and sleep. You do this until your symptoms subside (at least one month, but typically longer depending on the complexity of your symptoms) and then you slowly carefully reintroduce.
I could go on and on, but I just wanted you to know about it in case it could help her. It has helped sooo many people including my hubby and me!
Anyway, God bless! And I’m jealous of your beautiful green tomatoes!
Thanks so much, Rachel, and I’m looking into that . .. I don’t mind another suggestion if it might be the one that *clicks*! Thank you for your prayers.
Prayers for Amalia. Have you heard of trim healthy mama? Not the diet part but there are a lot of recipes that already have a lot of those things eliminated. Family type things and treats. I do hope she feels better.
PS. I love a lemon aoli with my fried green tomatoes.
I actually have heard of THM, but haven’t researched it much. I’ll take a look at it. And lemon aoli? Yumm.