What did Saturdays mean, when you were a kid? I’ll tell you what they were for me: sleeping late(ish) and eating cold cereal. (Mom made hot breakfasts during the week, so cold cereal was a treat on the weekends.) Sitting on the floor in front of the t.v., watching cartoons. Joining in on whatever the family was doing. If it was winter, building forts with my brothers and sisters with card tables and rugs. Or playing hide and seek in our large house, with all its hidey-holes and hidden corners. Playing games. (Life. Parcheesi. Sorry! Checkers. Chess.) Roasting hot dogs and marshmallows in the living room fireplace. Sledding or snowman-building or snowball fights.
If it was warm outside, it was another matter. Maybe a trip to the town pool, or picking strawberries for Mom, or pulling a few weeds and then playing at the park. Saturdays were awesome when I was a kid. They always included spending time with my family, sometimes my friends, always a good book in my hand and some kind of special snack.
Did you hear that sigh from me, that wistful sigh of longing?
Were your Saturdays awesome, too, when you were a kid? I hope they were. Are they still awesome now? I hope they are! I know that we’re all grown-ups now (mostly) but surely, surely there are things we can do to re-capture some of that bliss . . . of childhood Saturdays?
Okay, let’s just agree on something. Let’s not think about waking up very very early on a Saturday because you have such a long to-do list that you need a couple of extra hours to get it all in. Let’s talk about what we can do to get a little rest this weekend. A little relaxation. We need it. You need it. I need it. Monday is, after all, coming, again, in just a couple of days. Christmastime was busy. It was kind of lame to catch the flu right after it, too. So a little recreation, methinks, would not go amiss, today, of all days.
After all, it’s Saturday.
So here are a few low-cost, low-effort, ideas for a bit of refreshment this Saturday, for you, and for me.
First: how about watching some cartoons? With somebody you love, and with some cold cereal with milk? Boom. I’m ten again. That was easy. The only requirement? They need to be something that will make you laugh.
Go for a walk! Let me tell you about a mini-adventure little Mack and I had this week. It has been cold, as you know, everywhere (well, not in Hawaii, I hear) and so one day when it was all the way up to 20° we went out for a walk. We bundled up, first, and we determined not to go far. But, oh, what we found; it was really delightful!
We walked in the stubble-filled cornfields around our place, and enjoyed the couple inches of sparkling new snow. And then we started seeing tracks. Of course, we both agreed, this was the absolutely perfect time to learn what kinds of wildlife there is, partying out there in the nighttime, while we sleep. Fresh snow, you know, shows everything. We saw a lot of tracks, and I regretted, immediately, not having my camera along. Little field mice tracks. Little birds, hopping about and uncovering snow to get at the dirt and sand underneath.
And then. We started following the tracks of something (Mack was convinced it was a wild cat of some kind, as the tracks had no toenails showing) that meandered through the field, and then met with some other somethings, lots of them, and moved into some woods nearby (yes!) and . . . had a feast of some sort, leaving blood spots and even a bloody bone behind in the snow. Mack was ecstatic at this. Best. Find. Ever. It made me a bit nervous, seeing this proof of rampant carnivorism, just over the hill from our house. My eyes began to sweep up into the trees above us. Big cats are good climbers, you know.
“And then I pulled out my gun.” 🙂 But neither of us had a weapon of any sort on our persons, although there were a few sticks lying about, close by.
“Oh Mom, why don’t you have your camera?” my son moaned. Although I think it was nearly worth it to forget my camera, to see the documenting drawings he made when we got home. The drawings were better than any photos.
We followed the tracks down into a deep ravine, and then up the steep hill, out of the ravine. We studied them for awhile, though, first. “Look how the dirt is disturbed,” Mack pointed out, “underneath the snow. Why is it that way?” We pondered for a moment or two. We were being naturalists, curious scientists, not being deterred by cold or snow, studying wildlife, as was our particular wont. Then we scrambled up the hill, ourselves, and we learned why the creature had disturbed the dirt, of course. It’s hard to scramble up a hill that steep, and there is lots of sliding and digging in of the toes.
We made the same kinds of deep tracks, and then we giggled to find that the wild creature had relieved itself at the top of the hill. “This scat is fresh,” said my son, soberly. “It’s still warm.” I challenged that notion. “How do you know? Did you touch it?” I asked. “A real scientist would touch it.” He giggled and we shared a moment. We do not spend enough time like this together, I made that mental note, following tracks and studying wildlife and just giggling together.
We walked and explored and talked and observed until our toes began to feel quite numb, and then we hoofed it back over the hill, towards home. When we got home, I grabbed my camera (sigh) and took pictures of the tracks that a chicken made in the snow, at least. There wasn’t time to re-trace our tracks back to the ravine, not this day, anyway, but I could at least take a few pictures closer to home. I was pretty tickled by those chicken tracks. Step, drag, step, drag.

I watched the chicken make these tracks. I could almost hear her muttering against the snow, under her breath. “Hate the snow. HATE the snow.” I know a few people like this.
After a good walk outside, you may want to consider this:
Make a good salad. I love this recipe by Joy the Baker, for a salad with avocado and grapefruit and edamame, and I’m so making this for lunch today! I think this is a very happy salad! A salad fit for a Saturday! I think, if I ate this salad for lunch, it would give me just enough energy to . . .
Read a good book. I’ve got, at least, two full shelves of books that I intend to read this year. Oh, talk about longing! Do you stash away books to read, someday? Will that someday ever come? Right now I’m reading this one, that my sister Mollie gave me for Christmas, called The Chicken Chronicles, by Alice Walker. I love it.
Here’s another one I really want to read. It’s on my Wish List. I feel a little silly about buying another book, before I’ve read some of the ones already in my shelf.
There are quite a few fun chicken memoirs out there. I hope I can get mine out before everybody’s tired of them . . .
So there are a few ideas of things that might be very refreshing to do this Saturday. How about it? And then there is always this one:
Go to the movies. The Hobbit is still in the theatres, I think, and there’s this one that I really want to see soon. “Saving Mr. Banks,” about Walt Disney and the author of Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers, and the making of the movie “Mary Poppins.” Yes. I need to see this one in the theatre! Tom Hanks. Emma Thompson. Paul Giamatti. Great cast!
Once upon a time (isn’t this how all fairy tales seem to start?), there lived a boy from Missouri, named Walt Disney. This boy had a piece of paper with a mere SKETCH of a mouse upon it. And think of what a legacy he created, out his creativity and hard work! I love stories like that.
Now. After cartoons, a good salad, a good book, and a movie, you’re going to need to:
Take a nap. Yup. I mean, one without guilt or any hurry to get up any time soon. Just one of those fall-into-the-bed with your book, pillow-over-your-head, and no thoughts–not one–about the clock or what it may say. The clock doesn’t know about Saturdays, after all. Afterwards . . . who knows? Maybe you’ll get so deep into Saturdaying that you’ll go out for ice cream. Or build a snow fort with somebody dear to you. Or write a letter to somebody, on actual paper. Or order pizza, and eat it on paper plates.
Well, what are we waiting for? Saturday awaits!!
- 5 Things you can do NOW to prepare for your spring garden!
- FREE heirloom tomato seeds collection giveaway!
Lovely blog, Saturday today here has involved. Clearing up from having the kids home for a late lunch yesterday. Making breakfast, heading to my Mom’s place for coffee on my sisters birthday, then back here via the pharmacy and bakery. Then made lunch, wrote 3 blog post and it’s 1600. Tomorrow I am doing nothing, nada, nought. Think I should take a leaf out of your book and do some lovely things 🙂
Oh my, Anita-Clare, such a busy Saturday! Well, I hope your Sunday was relaxing! Blessings!
I also used to run around (like a chicken!) on Saturdays. Now, not so much. On this rainy day I slept late, read, wrote, and did some pilates. Now having a cocktail :).
That sounds wonderful, Lynda!
What a great article. I use to have so much fun as a kid growing up. Lived for the weekends. Today we had an ice storm so my daughter’s friend could not go home so we watched movies and now she just made popcorn. Have a great weekend. Anita
Thank you Anita!
I live alone so most of my Saturdays include getting up a little later than normal and making some coffee. I try to spend more time relaxing. As a kid I definitely slept in late but my mom would wake us up anyway and make us breakfast <3 arepas <3 P.S. I love the name of your website! lol
Thank you Paulette!
I’m ashamed to say, I can’t remember Saturdays being much different from any other day when I was a child. Maybe I’d take my sisters to a local park after miles and miles of boring walking past houses. It was fun once we got there. We’d roll around on the grass laughing. But the we’d have to walk home again. Our childhood wasn’t a happy time although I tried to give my sisters good memories.
When my son was grwing up, I would join him for cartoons. I fell in love with SpongeBob Square Pants and The Fairly Odd Parents. I have some good Saturday memories of my own childhood.
There are Saturdays when I still want to sit in my jammies, bowl of cereal in hand, watching cartoons . . . !
Saturdays quite often involved going swimming or going for a family walk in the countryside.
Happy, simple memories which I will always cherish 🙂
I’m glad for you, Sophie!
Wow! Saturdays (and holidays and summer vacations) were wrapped up in our big family. Mom was always too busy with taking care of house and canning and 7 children, to spend time with us doing fun stuff, so we made our own fun. Dad built us stilts and we had great fun with those for months and months…then we would stand on the top of the chicken coop, grab a handful of weeping willow branches and swing to the ground (or drop before we began the backward path, back to the chicken coop)…playing doctor by rubbing our arms and legs with nettles, then going to the “doctor” for mud packs to stop the itching…riding the 55 gal barrels that were mounted up on a scaffold behind the chicken coop – they were our horses…picking snap dragons and making their little “mouths” open and close. Life was nothing but fun until we had to do the chores, but we seemed to be very scarce when that time came along! I loved lying on the ground, watching clouds go by and finding all kinds of interesting shapes in them – watching them morph into something else before they scuttled away. Books were my get-away as soon as I could read. I lived with my friends in the books and read them over and over, just to spend some time again with an old-in-the-book friend…still do! Oh, life was good as a kid. It still is, but now it is spent doing different things. The girls are grown and now there are many days that I spend with the chickens and my camera! In fact, I love to take pictures of chickens and gardens, roses and veggies, bees and butterflies! Life changes but it is still good.
I’d love to see a list of some of your favorite books . . . and I’d also love to see your chicken and garden pictures! (hint, hint!) Your childhood sounds wonderful!
Most of my days are like that, perhaps I have 5 or 6 Saturdays in a week. When I came to Mexico this trip, because I was driving I was able to bring with me about 40 books. Of those, eight of those are books by Robert Ludlum which I have been saving over the years with plans to set back and enjoy reading them once I retire. The problem is that I am way to young to retire enough to spend part of my day setting around reading books of fiction. I am old enough for the nap part and have actually worked that into my days activities or lack thereof very nicely. A good salad is always welcome however as for the cold cereal, that is a sometimes thing as I prefer a large bowl of hot multi-grained cereal with raisins, apples, and a little brown sugar. Each day should be an adventure and cartoons help one remember that adventures can be as long as you want them or as short as 4 or 5 minutes. May all your days be as happy as Saturdays.
Totally enjoyed your Saturday post….and I remember enjoying many of the same things! Love your picture of the sun through the trees and the tire swing just waiting for springtime!! Stopping in from the farm blog hop
Thanks Dawna!