10 Tips for eating like a Hobbit: and “Recipes from a Halfling’s Pantry”

Follow me When I was a young girl, my Dad introduced me to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Dad ran a drugstore in Nelson, Nebraska: “Young’s Pharmacy,” where he sold…
Read moreFollow me When I was a young girl, my Dad introduced me to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Dad ran a drugstore in Nelson, Nebraska: “Young’s Pharmacy,” where he sold…
Read moreFollow me There is a quiet elation building at our place, a Hobbitesque type of elation. A hairy-footed, second-breakfast-eating, longing-for-creature-comforts type of excitement. To wit: Amalia is reading The Hobbit…
Read moreFollow me Amalia has been spending every spare moment back in her Tolkien-inspired kitchen, baking up batch after batch of Seed Cakes just in time for the premiere of the…
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