Follow me Gentle Reader Alert: this post will include a few details about childbirth, and will use the word “vaginal” more than once. If this is startling or offensive to…
Read moreOn the day her baby girl was born . . .

Follow me Gentle Reader Alert: this post will include a few details about childbirth, and will use the word “vaginal” more than once. If this is startling or offensive to…
Read moreFollow me (Obviously!) (Note to gentle readers: I’m working on getting a “skip to the recipe” button, but you’ll have to bear with me one more time as I haven’t…
Read moreFollow me Jenny First, Jenny grew up (she was Jake, until we realized that she was a Jenny). And her owner Mack is growing up too, at least that’s what…
Read moreFollow me Here’s a puzzlement for you, gentle reader: if you are a farmer (raising hand) or a serious gardener (same) and you spend self-indulgent (ha) amounts of time during…
Read moreFollow me Edited just for you in September 2019, though the pictures of little Mack are so cute that I left them alone. 🙂 Ratatouille has so many things going…
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