Some Random Observations, in a random order
1. It’s happening. When I get up for my crazy-early walks in the morning, the sun is not yet up at 5:30 anymore. The sun is not rising as early as I am, and that means there’s trouble in River City, people. We’ve passed the summer solstice nearly a month ago, now. You know what that means: winter is coming. And you know what that means: wood fires. Chili with tiny crackers. Wool sweaters. Wool socks. Ice. Snow. Freezing nostril hair. Big hunks of meat roasting slowly in the oven. Qwerkle. A new season of Downton Abbey.
It’s not all bad.
2. Speaking of big hunks of roasting meat, I roasted a turkey the other day, because I had one in the freezer that was dangerously old calling to me, and it was 100 degrees outside, so why not roast a turkey all afternoon in the oven? You would have thought that I had gone out and shot a wild turkey, dressed it myself, roasted it over a wood fire and also that the kids hadn’t eaten for a week; they made such a fuss over that turkey.
Here’s what little Mack said, when I called him for supper: “What about gravy?” Of course I hadn’t made gravy (it’s July, after all! Gravy in July? Really??) so I stirred it up really quick, and I wish you could have seen the look of utter devotion on his little face. Devotion for the turkey and gravy, that is. It really was lovely gravy. We ate the turkey like ravenous beasts, tearing and grunting and salivating and . . . well, no, not really. But we enjoyed it. Lots.
3. Here’s me with my newest little nephew, the darlingest baby in the world, Milo Walden. He has a little round face and a cleft in his perfect little chin and flawless skin and he has completely stolen my heart.
I can’t stop thinking about little him. I want to see him again, soon.
I wish he didn’t live several hours away. I wish that he lived in my house.
a. Why is it that babies do this to me? Maybe it’s because I’d go back to being a mama with babies and toddlers in a heartbeat. That time goes way too fast. Everybody says it, and everybody’s right.
I love the way this picture makes me look so thin, since I’m really not that thin. It’s just a weird visual effect that (frankly!) I love. I don’t love the fact that it looks like I did my hair with a wire whisk, however. (Next time I shall at least use the bigger whisk.)
Probably it’s my camera’s fault. Probably it’s a weird camera-related quirk. Clearly, this is the case.
Speaking of my camera. . .
4. A few days ago, Amalia was taking pictures of the hoophouse project (at my behest) and it was a windy day and she balanced my darling camera carefully on the ledge of the hoophouse and the wind (like a mad thing!) blew it off into the dirt. I love my camera. When I noticed that it had gone missing, I discovered it–to my dismay!–in the dirt at the base of the hoophouse.
Even worse, Bea (our Australian Shepherd) was standing on it. At that very moment. Standing on my cherished camera. Which I love, did I mention that?
I picked up my poor little camera, pushing Bea aside, and hit the shutter button. “E18 Lens Error: Turn Off Camera, Camera turning off automatically, you Idiot, you shouldn’t have let your dog stand on it.” It said this, or at least something like it.
Bad, bad news. We know there are rules concerning expensive electronics in our house.
Rule 1: Electronics and water don’t mix.
A. Don’t clean the cordless phone with Windex, for example. Or your camera. Also, don’t use a scrub brush. And water.
Rule 2: Dogs shouldn’t stand on your electronics.
b. Especially dogs with dirty feet. Or wet feet. See Rule 1.
Did I mention that I love my little camera? I’d take a bullet for this camera of mine. I’d take a picture of it and post it, but that would be impossible because . . . I only have the one. But it’s a little Canon Powershot SD 1300 IS . . . well, wait, here’s an image from a little online shop you may have heard of . . . . . . which I am not affiliated with, so in case you decide to buy one of these dandy little cameras, click on this link . . . and I’ll get paid approximately .03. How sneaky, huh?
See? Is it not adorable? I love this little camera. I bought it a couple of years ago when we travelled to New Zealand, and it has been in my pocket (literally) or my purse, every since. I use it all the time. It’s easy to use, it’s very portable, it takes great photos, and (the best thing yet) it’s my favorite color: turquoise! It comes in other colors, too, but the turquoise one (clearly) is the best. Probably the other colors work just as well, if turquoise is not your thing.
And here it was, broken. I will spare you the details about the self-pity, the mourning, the very very long face that I sported the rest of the day, the handfuls of chocolate I shoved into my mouth, and I will merely tell you this: I fixed it!
You read that right! I fixed my broken camera. I found a website, Timothy-like, that listed common problems with this very camera, and I worked tirelessly down the list of things to do to fix it, and I fixed it! I am so happy about this! My camera still works. Probably–even–better.
5. My sweet son Timothy is turning 19 this week.

This is a photo of a photo, so excuse the quality–but isn’t this the cutest little boy o’mine?
Here he is when he was a baby. He was standing on a chair that I had pulled up to the kitchen counter, so he could be a part of my work in the kitchen. Look at those little cheeks and those sweet eyes, just glowing with happiness. And those itsy-bitsy wittle teefers.
Here’s another one. Snif.
Now will you believe me when I tell you that all my babies were just this adorable?
Here he is today:Hopefully Timothy won’t have the time to check out my blog today, or else he’d be tres embarrassed about my making a fuss over him. He’s quiet. And smart. And he likes to climb things. And he works very hard. Did I mention that he’s smart? He can fix things. He’s generous with his time. He’s a Godly young man, and I couldn’t be prouder of him. Even if he falls in love with a lovely girl and wants to marry her and move away, we probably won’t let him. We’ll build on another wing, that’s what we’ll do. Like the Amish.
I like that idea. Timothy is so clever, he could probably start on that wing right now (hint, hint).
I could go on and on . . . . and on . . . you understand. But I’ll not embarrass him further.
Happy Birthday, Timothy. Snif.
6. I have a new gardening tool that I love, love, love. It’s the awesome mason jar cap below.
Here’s what I do, before I head out to the garden in the morning: I fill my jar with ice and water, or iced tea, or whatever I’ve decided I need, my miracle liquid energy elixir, and then I tote it to the garden with me. The lid keeps the bugs and the dirt out of the drink, and I stay hydrated . . . I don’t have to run to the house for a drink, and I don’t have to drink out of the hose, like a dog.
Or stand on somebody’s camera, also dog-like. Pshaw.
Here’s another picture. This wasn’t staged at all. (cough)
And yes, I do toss lemon slices and fruit and mint leaves in my drinks because I’m cool like that. When I get to the bottom, I slurp up the fruit, which is by then icy cold. Cool, eh?
Welp. That’s enough randomness for today. Let’s see . . . I set out to write a blog post in 15 minutes . . . how long did it take me?? Hmm . . . 1 hour and 37 minutes. . . . oh well! Better luck next time!
- Building a hoophouse: a light at the end of the (high) tunnel
- When I was a girl, I was a race-car driver
I LOVE love love your blog site and I’ll be returning often for heaping spoonfuls of belly laughter inducing posts. Your Random Thoughts post was the first of many I hope to savor over cups of tea (but I may have to refrain from drinking while reading so no embarrassing snorts spoil my laptop screen).
And, I love your About page and I’m now thinking about how to revise mine to be more like yours. Thanks for the great example.
Thank you Kate. Just found this over-looked comment and it just made my day! Blessings!
I don’t mind random at all 🙂 Congrats on the nephwe and the 19 year-old
Thanks Linda!
You mention the coming changes of the seasons…that is one of the many things I love about Kansas. We have changing seasons. I love having the different wardrobes for the seasons and the different foods we make and enjoy.
The turkey sounded like it was really great.
Your nephew is adorable.
Your hair looks fine.
You do look thin and I believe that is because YOU ARE thin….or I should say, perfectly shaped. 🙂
Happy Birthday this week to your son. He was an adorable little boy and is quite the handsome young man.
I hope your beloved camera is ok (or else you’ll have to buy one from yourself and get that huge .03 rebate…LOL)
Thanks for sharing a tiny bit of your life with me.
Have a great day!
Kathy, I love all your random answers to my random points. You’re very sweet!
It’s been almost 100 degrees here for days. So you can’t bum me out by saying winter is coming. UGH! So hot I feel like I’m melting when we are walking. We’ve been taking our longer walks at 9:00 pm! And it’s still over 80 and 99% humidity.
Yikes! That’s hot, Esther! Where are you located?
I love random. I’m sure the endless gushing won’t embarrass your son at all . . .
Nice mason jar top, I know loads of folks who could use that.
Thanks, Tara!
You do look thin! And your hair is fine! (This coming from the woman who CONSTANTLY deletes pics of herself when she looks less than ideal – which is most of the time! LOL) Congrats on the addition & the birthday. Thanks for proving that I am not the only one random!
This is what we say when we see a less-than-ideal photo of ourselves (repeat after me) IT IS WHAT IT IS. There. Don’t you feel better now?
I’m staggered by the ammount of time you spend writing your blog. And that doesn’t include the picture-taking time. Love it all–the way you link subjects, the randomness of your mind. Most of all, I love the way your darling tot turned into a fine man. Well done you and happy birthday to him.
Thank you Francene, I honestly don’t spend as much time as you might imagine–I have too many chickens and kids to care for to sit at the computer for long. But thankfully I type really quickly and always have ideas . . . not necessarily GOOD ideas, but ideas. Thanks for the sweet comment.
Happy birthday to Timothy.
Love all the randoms in today’s post.
Thank you Patricia!
I love this post. It’s all those things that occur to you when you are running errands or walking the dogs or putting away the laundry. You look gorgeous (I thought you looked rather slim too but didn’t notice any whisked hair). My first baby turns 18 in November but will always be my baby.
Other tips for things I know (from experience) that should not go in the washing machine:
papier mache objects
cheques with a value of £1500
tickets to the concert the following night
No doubt I will be able to add to this list over the next few years ….
PS if you answer Ice to your question you get a polite request to try again ….. 🙂
Oh, I could make a “Do not Wash” list, too, Gillie, including such things as
crayons (especially don’t let these go in the dryer)
your new pocket watch
packs of gum (messes up the dryer something awful, also)
your favorite lambs’ wool sweater
And I lost my phone but secretly I think the washer ate it.
No, don’t mention winter. Please don’t say it is so! Please don’t remind me of how it gets dark at 5pm! However, I would love to send today (92 degrees) into January to melt all the snow. So, having said that:
1. Husband and I love roasting turkeys. Not during heat wave, though.
2. That is one cool mason jar cap. I’ve read about steeping fruit like that and it appeals to me, if I ever remember to do it. I haven’t even made solar tea yet.
3. Starting today, that angle is the only way I will ever be photographed again.
4. Happy birthday, Timothy. Try not to be too embarrassed.
You’re right, Alana, great photos are all about the proper angle, . . . and now we know what the proper angle is, eh?? Sorry to remind you of the existence of WINTER. . . it’s rather a nasty word around here, too. 🙁
Gillie’s response reminded me: there was the time where we washed all of our travelers checks (OK, this was years and years ago) in my best friend’s washing machine, and we had to hunt down a bank (and waste our afternoon of visiting her) to replace them. That’s my random comment for today!
haha! Alana, I love how this post has brought out random comments from everybody! Maybe I should do a “Random Observation Thursday” or something a weekly event!
I love your random observations, Amy! You have a great way of writing and it makes me feel like I know you and can hear you talking as I am reading the words. So much fun for me! Happy birthday to your wonderful son, and good for you for fixing the camera – consider yourself a hero! (I always do on the rare occasion that I fix something, especially something electronic). 🙂
I’m still patting myself on the back after fixing my camera, I must admit, it’s so unusual for me to figure something out like that. Yay ME! Thanks for your sweet comment, my friend!
I love the changing of the seasons, I’m going from Summer to…to…to… Summer, oh boy, two summers in a row. Actually I think it’s more like from Summer to late spring, then Summer, but I’ll adjust.
I do like the looks of that drink and the cold fruit that awaits you when you finish the water.
Don’t think badly of your dog, Did you think to tell him in advance that if he should come across a turquoise camera laying on the ground, he was not to step on it regardless of how he treated other cameras?
You’re right, Chef, I never did warn Bea not to step on a turquoise camera if she found one lying on the ground . . . although (honestly) I don’t think she would have listened. And I pity you, Chef—no winter?? You are going to miss Wisconsin’s ice and snow SO MUCH!! 😉
What a wonderful journey through every day, normal life. Thanks for your insights and your humor! Hard to believe how quickly time goes by. Though I am not ready to relinquish summer yet!!
OH, I’m not done with summer yet, either, Jeanne! Still plenty of warm days left, I’m sure!
Thanks for sharing your ‘random’ weekly events 🙂 I enjoyed reading through all of them. You have a very funny way to write them up and I love all the personal pictures you have added. Well done. Keep the good things up.
That’s sweet of you, thank you, Sonja!
it is very cool here this morning … we only had it 9 C last night. It feels like fall is in the air … SCARY !!!
I’m with you, Nicole!