So much to look forward to . . .

Follow me A gardening friend and I were commiserating the other night about getting started with our gardens this spring, and the dragging-of-the-feet that we both (astonishingly!) have experienced this…
Read moreFollow me A gardening friend and I were commiserating the other night about getting started with our gardens this spring, and the dragging-of-the-feet that we both (astonishingly!) have experienced this…
Read moreFollow me First: homemade Natural Vapor Rub recipe, from Joy the Baker! After all, who doesn’t have a cold right now?? Hold up your hand if you don’t have a…
Read moreFollow me It’s a little difficult to fathom why the thought of planting my fall garden this week causes my spirit to spiral into paroxysms of delight. After all, my…
Read moreFollow me What does your weekend hold for you? My hope is that, along with the chores and the errands and the to-do lists there’ll be some downtime in your…
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