Herbicide Drift: Public Enemy #1 to your heirloom tomato plants

Follow me I have had a lot of headaches with herbicide drift this year, as I mentioned in this post. As you know, if you have had history with this…
Read moreFollow me I love to grow heirloom tomatoes. (Newsflash!) I pore over seed catalogs with great interest, from Thanksgiving-time on (or whenever they come in the mail) and order seeds…
Read moreFollow me We are smack dab in the middle of one of my favorite times of the gardening year here in the Midwest–harvest time! It gives me a thrill to…
Read moreFollow me I planted a lot of heirloom tomato plants this year. News flash. Since I didn’t really have a plan for marketing them, having closed up our farmer’s market…
Read moreFollow me One of these nights my garden is going to freeze. It could be tonight, but the forecast says “not yet.” I was out in the garden just a…
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