A photo diary, of sorts
I take a lot of photos. I have this cool little point-and-shoot camera, you see, that fits into my pocket. And my purse. And the palm of my hand. And my handy tool apron. It fits everywhere. Sometimes somebody else will take my little handy camera and go wild with it, too, and I have all these pictures that somebody else took (surprise, Mom!) on my memory card.
I can sit down in a dull moment and look through the pictures on my camera, just like I’m looking through a photo diary. I can relive some sweet memories. Take this photo, for example:
Our daughter Bethie has gone and done a Very Brave Thing, Indeed. She has flown all the way to Hawaii to visit her boyfriend and his family. This after spending the summer working as an electrician’s apprentice at the local community college. I’m quite sure that I never would have had the nerve to do these things, myself. But it’s a grand adventure to her, and she’s seeing a part of the world that she has never seen before. With her fella. I can’t wait to hear all about it when she gets back home.

Never try to win a stare-down with a chicken, Bethie.
And then there’s this one:

Doesn’t that smile just melt your heart?
Here’s my adorable granddaughter Anya, in one of those pictures that I didn’t know was on my camera. Amalia was wrapping gifts for a birthday party and playing with her niece, at the same time. You can see from Anya’s grin that they were having a wonderful time.

one of the younger “Oshlots”
The other evening, little Mack and I were doing the chicken chores together. I like to soak the chickens’ breakfast grain in water the night before I feed it to them (there’s less waste, because the grain is softer from the night’s soaking–try it sometime!) and we were shutting them into the coop for the night.
“I see that there are oshlots up in the tree, there,” little Mack observed, pointing up into a pin oak tree that is near the coop. I looked at him. “What?” I asked. “Oshlots,” he said. “There are two oshlots up in that tree,” he repeated. “Want me to shake them down?”
I looked up and saw that a couple of the younger pullets had flown up into the tree for the night. “Oshlots? Do you mean ‘pullets’?” Mack laughed. “Is that what they’re called? I thought they were oshlots.” This made me laugh. We both laughed. A new word was born.
Oshlots. Ever since, of course, we only call them Oshlots. Such a funny word.
Our family is fairly famous for holding on to new words that somebody makes up, usually a small child. A tape measure is a “feefee.” The basement is called the “beent.” One’s head is a “beezer.” And now a pullet is an “Oshlot.” Forever. And a day. It is so.

Such an artist! (image courtesy of Sonia Miller)
Here’s my dolly Anya again (do you blame me? She is so photogenic.), next to a sidewalk painting that she and her papa made. Her mama is a smart lady, and discovered sidewalk paints, thus moving much of the creative mess that Anya is so good at, outside. And the colors are so rich and vibrant, too! Anya’s papa ruined much of the furniture in the house he grew up in, because at about this age he started drawing on it with permanent markers. Quietly. Secretly.
This was not condoned by me, by the way. It just happened. He’d find a marker. He’d quietly move around in the back of the couch. When the back was covered, he’d start on the cushions, which he’d turn over when he was finished, to keep his artwork a secret (until Mama lifted up a cushion to search for something—aaaaagggghhh!!). Also (when the backs of the couches, and the bottoms of all the cushions were filled up) much of the wallpaper and many of the walls. Also a hot light bulb or two. But that’s another story. He’s a working artist now, so I think all that free expression was probably worth it.
But I think he still owes me at least one ugly orange couch.
I took the kiddos out for frozen yogurt on Bethie’s birthday, and we noticed that we were all wearing blue shirts, except for Timothy who wore green. In this photo, little Mack really couldn’t be bothered, he was enjoying his sundae so much. I’m not surprised. He really heaped the toppings on. These kinds of places were just made for my little man. A big bowl of frozen yogurt and then all these sweets to heap on the top? Hooray!
Right after we celebrated Bethie’s birthday with frozen yogurt sundaes, we drove to the airport and picked up Bryan from his flight from Alabama, where he teaches at a college there a few times a year, and Grandma and Grandpa, who had been out to Wyoming to visit my brother Matt and his wife Paula. It made me feel like the Country Mouse, to be in the airport, watching their airplanes touch down. They were all so tired and so happy to be home.
I’m really happy they are all home, too!
Oh! One more thing . . . I have a new Facebook page, and you can find it right here.
I’m gonna have some fun over there, I can tell you, so if you’d like to be there when it happens, please “like” the page. When I get to 100 likes, I’ll probably have a party. So be prepared!
That’s all for now. Thanks, as always, Gentle Reader, for reading. You mean a lot to me!
- Make it tonight! Chicken livers, smashed new potatoes with kale: yummm
- Good enough for company: glazed cranberry lemon biscuits!
Great photos, thank you for sharing! Loved your photo diary.
Great photos! Your daughters probably hear it all the time, but they totally look like twins 🙂 My older sister and I used to get that all the time in our teens and twenties. Not so much any more – thankfully! 🙂
There certainly is a family resemblance, isn’t there, Suzi? Thanks for your sweet comment!
Brilliant, I love old photo’s it’s been wonderful going through ours again and reliving wonderful memories. Your FB page is already loved by everyone in this house as is your blog 🙂
Thank you, my dear friend Anita-Clare!
At time like these, I wish I had a handy camera–or someone who could show me how to use the one my sister sent me. It’s a Cannon, and by the time I got to grips with taking three shots, the batteries ran out. I decided not to bother with it any more. Love your picture records of times gone by.
Cell phones (as Roy pointed out) take decent pictures, too, and little digital point and shoot cameras are getting easier and easier to use. (That’s how I come to use one so much!)
Nowadays, we all have a point on shoot on us- that’s how good cellphone cameras have become…
And, regarding your measurement rules– long, long ago, Oliver Smoot (whose cousin also went to MIT and won the Nobel Prize) provided his length as a measurement of the Harvard bridge between MIT and Boston. (364.4 to be precise)
That’s true, Roy. Since I’m a bit of a dinosaur where cell phones are concerned, and I guess I’m the last person on earth who doesn’t have a smart phone, I really cherish my little point and shoot. But I’ve been really impressed by cell phone pictures I see, that other people take.
Oh Amy, what wonderful photos! Shows how ignorant I am when it comes to farming, I thought “Oshlot” was a kind of chicken until I read further! Your story about your son’s permanent marker secrets made me laugh and cringe at the same time! It’s a wonderful photo of you, by the way!
Thanks, Suerae! The word “oshlot” does sound like it could be a rare, heirloom chicken breed! In any case, we have a lot of young oshlots on our farm!
Fun photos! You have a wonderful way of narrating them. I had a student once who left disposable cameras around town with a note for passers-by to take photos of themselves or something around them, and then he would come back and collect the cameras. When he had the photos developed, he created a photo diary and it was the most entertaining project I had ever received from a student. I’m going to dig through all of my photos now to see what I can create. Thanks so much!
WOW what a neat idea! That is so cool that he took the risk, leaving those cameras around. I’d totally suspect that people would just take the cameras. I would imagine that it was a quite entertaining project!
Ahh I love your photographs! It makes me wish that I had more pets/ lived on a farm/ similar! 🙂
I have to admit that I don’t like pictures of myself though!
I don’t like pictures of myself, either. I asked my daughter to take some pictures of me with that silly chicken so I’d have a picture of myself for my new Facebook vomitingchicken page. Bethie took dozens of pictures and I only liked ONE. I LOATHED all the rest of those pictures of myself, I’m sad to say.
Fun photos. You were overdue for a fb page, girl! Great way to share the joy!
Thanks, Alessa–now . . . tell me—what do I do with it???