Sauteed Wild Greens ‘n’ Onions Recipe, & Virgin Coconut Oil Giveaway!
But seriously, folks: Have you tried using virgin coconut oil in your kitchen yet? I’m so happy that I’ve learned how to use it in so many ways. I feel so good about adding this healthy fat to my family’s diet. I cook with it. I bake with it. I slurp it down in my morning bulletproof coffee. Every–single–morning. I slather it on my face and hands: it makes my skin softer. I massage it into my kale and dress delicious salads with it. I pop my popcorn in it. I massage my kale with it. (You read that right.) I make sauteed wild greens and onions with it. And hey, I’m going to share that recipe with you in this post, so don’t go away!
Virgin Coconut Oil is great, versatile, delicious stuff. And it is so good for you! It is truly a healthy fat to use in your kitchen.
My favorite place to buy coconut oil is Tropical Traditions. This family business produces a premium virgin coconut oil, which is handcrafted by family producers in the Philippines, using traditional methods passed down from generations. Tropical Traditions was the first company to export Virgin Coconut Oil from the Philippines to the United States in 2001. And good news: studies done recently show that traditionally-made coconut oils, like the ones that Tropical Traditions produces, have the highest amounts of antioxidants; some studies show twice as many!
The premium coconut oil from Tropical Traditions is the Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, and guess what–that’s what I have to offer as a giveaway for you today! Yup. This is the Good Stuff, Baby. I gave away a quart of this delicious stuff a couple of months ago, and Tropical Traditions has now given me permission to give away a gallon to one of my Gentle Readers! You can enter this drawing using the nifty little Rafflecopter widget thingy below. It’s so easy! It won’t take you a minute, and you might just receive this in your mailbox in just a few weeks:
If you’re new to coconut oil, the Tropical Traditions website is full of resources: click here if you want to learn more about Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions and how it is produced, and why (for pete’s sake) it is so special, not to mention my personal favorite coconut oil. And if you want to learn about the oodles of ways you can use coconut oil, you can click right here. There are hundreds and hundreds of uses listed.
I also wrote a blog post about coconut oil, and how it once was The Big Bad Diet Meany only a few years ago, the devil itself in fat form, in that it was clogging the arteries–reportedly–and upping the heart attack risk of every patron unwitting enough and unfortunate enough to go the movies and buy theatre popcorn. It’s a wonder that they weren’t dragging the dead corpses out of the movie theatres every night at the end of each show, to hear how the media hyped that one up (eye roll). At the time, coconut oil was the oil of choice for movie theatres to use for popcorn popping. Remember?
But the times, they are a’changin’, and so are our beliefs about coconut oil, thank goodness: research has showed that coconut oil is packed with healthy fats, and is good for the health of your heart and brain. It can be a wonderfully healthy part of your diet. You can read more in my blog post here.

My morning bulletproof coffee, heavily laced with coconut oil: Joy in a cup. Yum.
A coconut oil anecdote, and how I learned how to use coconut oil on a daily basis: A dear family member of ours was having some serious health problems that were keeping her from living her life in a normal way. My sister and I, trying to help, took to our kitchens and showed our love to this person’s family by cooking all their meals for a few months, focusing exclusively on “clean” foods and foods with high anti-inflammatory properties. It was, in essence, therapeutic cooking, and eating. Coconut oil was our fat of choice to use for cooking during that time. I learned at that time how to saute greens with onions and coconut oil; it also makes a fantastic massaged kale salad. It works great to roast root veggies in, too. I’ll share those recipes with you at another time, okay, so be watching for them!
You know me, Gentle Reader, and better than I’m probably comfortable with (cough), and you know that I keep a redonculous number of laying hens, and also that I’m always trying to come up with new ways to eat the delicious fresh eggs that they lay for me every day. I’m going to share a recipe with you today that incorporates several of my very favorite things: fresh farm eggs, virgin coconut oil, onions and garlic, and wild greens (although you can use greens from your garden or the farmer’s market, too, either way, but if you have a chance to eat wild greens like lambsquarters and nettles, do it! They are powerfully nutritious, much more so in some cases than domesticated ones!)

Fresh eggs, onions, nettles, lambsquarters, mint, parsley: It’s What’s for Dinner.
Lovely, lovely, don’t you agree? Raw ingredients for a fantastic, easy meal. Here’s the recipe:
- 3/4 cup virgin coconut oil
- 10 green onions, minced, OR a couple of immature garden onions, sliced
- 2 lbs. mixed greens, such as nettles, lamb’s-quarter, spinach, Swiss chard, washed and sliced
- 1 cup chopped parsley
- 1 cup chopped fresh mint leaves
- 6 cloves garlic, smashed and minced
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 6 fresh farm eggs
- Heat ½ cup virgin coconut oil in a 5-qt. pot over medium heat.
- Add onions and cook gently for 10 minutes.
- Add greens, parsley, mint, garlic, and ½ cup water; season with salt and pepper.
- Cook gently, stirring occasionally, until greens are tender, 15–20 minutes. Remove from heat.
- Heat 1/4 cup oil in an 12″ skillet over medium-high heat. Add more if necessary.
- Working in two batches, crack eggs into skillet; cook, constantly spooning oil over yolks, until yolks are just set, about 2 minutes.
- Using a slotted spoon, transfer eggs to a plate. Divide greens between plates and top each with a fried egg. Grind fresh pepper and salt on top.
- Slice up a loaf of crusty bread and supper is ready! Well done, you! (Now be sure to tuck into this while it’s hot, and enjoy the compliments!)

Quick and easy, delicious, and so good for you, too!
If you’re interested in trying out lots of coconut oil recipes, the Tropical Traditions website is packed with them, and I’d highly recommend your signing up for the newsletter (in the Rafflecopter widget below) because then these recipes will come straight to your own e-mail box periodically, and you can try them out for yourself!
By the way: since I’m giving away a whole GALLON of this wonderful stuff, the FDA won’t let me make any health claims about it (and you know that I’m dying to do this), but you can click here if you want to learn more!
Want to see a few reasons why you want to enter this giveaway? Watch the short video below to discover why Tropical Traditions makes the #1 selling Virgin Coconut Oil in the U.S. today. And then enter! You might just win! (Somebody has to, you know!) There is an option (tweeting about the giveaway) that you can do every day of the giveaway, so that could result in lots and lots of chances for you to win.
Or, if you don’t want to wait until the giveaway is over to try some of this Coconut Oil, you can order your own right here. By the way–the very first entry in the giveaway is mandatory–it’s to sign up for the Tropical Traditions Sales E-Newsletter. Don’t let this scare you away! It just takes a second to subscribe, and you’ll be the first one to be notified when they have sales and so forth. And they really do run amazing sales!
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and they didn’t twist my arm to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. Just so you know!
I’ll be sharing this post with the usual fun group over at The Prairie Homestead Barn Hop. Come join me!
- A Few of My Favorite (Kitchen) Things: Vintage Tea Towels!
- 4 Whole Grain Breakfast Bowls–Quick, Easy and Delish!
I actually purchased coconut oil a few years ago and then didn’t know how to use it. Now I realize I should have checked out the website. Oops. You have some great ideas.
Thanks Sue. I did the same thing: somebody gave me a quart of coconut oil in my cabinet and I kept it there for years before I realized what a treasure it was!
Haven’t tried cooking with coconut oil. Will try soon! 😀
Do try it! It’s great stuff!
This sounds utterly delicious! I love the pairing of egg yolk and sauteed greens… And coconut oil just ties everything up with a “bow”! 🙂
I’m not a coward. If there’s a wild berry, I will eat one, to see if it is good. Very few things are so poisonous that one will do you in. I know not to eat nightshade. There was a time, people thought tomatoes were poisonous. In any case, I’m old, and still alive. BUT I’m so afraid to eat stinging nettle. That’s the nettle you’re talking about, right? It certainly has to do with my skin reacting strongly to nettle. But everyone, including daughter, says to try it. Help!
I hate getting a nettle rash, too, but (believe it or not) I’ve learned how to handle nettles even without gloves. And we eat nettles nearly every day, in our greens and our green smoothies. They are super nutritious, Rita, but put your gloves when you pick them. Do you like green smoothies? Just try a few leaves at a time in a green smoothie, until you get over your mental . . . um. . . resistance. I know it’s funny: we eat something that we can’t touch. But there are lots of reasons to try them:
Wow, nettles curdle cheese (instead of rennet), 40% protein!!, repel flies (that’s not so surprising, but handy), and an indication of fertile soil!! It would take some trust to use it as hair tonic though! Thanks for that link. I still don’t feel too strongly about eating it though. Also, they’re more along the lines of 7′ tall now, not the 6″ tender things of spring. Cool that you can use the stalks to make rope however. Have you ever thought about how the making of rope changed human development? It’s magic, rope. Suddenly you could carry WAY more and you could sew!
It’s pretty awesome stuff Rita, but please don’t knit me a sweater out of nettle rope. 😉
ha ha! You’re in luck! I’m not a knitter, except for the occasional (usually before Christmas) scarf urge.
I can’t recall ever using coconut oil in any recipe, so this is a new experience for me. Will have to look for some at the store!
Or Scott, use the handy links on my post to order some from Tropical Traditions! You’ll love it! (Bambi eyes)
I use Coconut Oil for most things in my home. We make toothpaste, deodorant, lotions with coconut oil. We bake/cook with coconut oil. Pretty much all we need oil for we use Coconut oil. 🙂
It’s such a handy thing to have onhand, isn’t it, Kelly?
Great recipe, glad to see another way to combine the greens. We’re headed over to our friends ranch for some more natural honey and Eggs laid by open field chickens. I think you have me beat this year with the greens. We do not have any nettles, although we do have a couple of kinds of mint. Let’s see what I can do with some of the wild food available around here.
My kiddos thought they would have liked it better without the mint, to be honest, but I liked it in there. Glad you like the recipe!
We love cooking with coconut oil . We cook with it a lot together with olive oil and avocado oil. All fabulous. Great recipe , right up my street 🙂
Anita-Clare, I’ve never used avocado oil (gasp), I mean, apart from eating the actual avocado. It sounds delish!
This looks gorgeous, Amy!
I really want to try your ‘bulletproof’ coffee too!
DO try it, Sophie, and then tell me what you think, okay?
Ok, first of all we do use Virgin Coconut oil…for obvious things like cooking, and I’m making that coffee tomorrow!! (Can’t wait). But here’s a strange use: On one of my Pinterest Boards I pinned a list of uses for coconut oil and something kind of popped out at me: in addition to using it on my skin (face), I rub some all over the toes and sole of my right foot. Somewhere I picked up a disgusting toenail fungus (just on 2 toes and only on one foot…whatever). Anyway, I rub coconut oil on the affected foot nightly after a shower and it’s clearing up the nails. I also discovered that rubbing my feet at night with coconut oil keeps my feet from burning (I have fibromyalgia and sometimes they burn, particularly on my instep).
Haven’t tried oil pulling yet, probably because I can’t imagine swirling oil in my mouth for such a long period of time. But, I’ll get there…
I tried oil pulling, but it does take dedication. I want to try it again. The fact that coconut oil is antibacterial, it sure makes sense to do that every day, especially when we’re back in flu season.
Just placed an order with them last week. Waiting patiently for it’s arrival.
I’ve found that their shipping is very fast!
I use it for cooking and baking and making granola. I also add it to my oatmeal.
I use coconut oil in my gluten free baking and for making popcorn!
Oh yes, making popcorn–I love it!
I use coconut oil in baking and for seasoning my cast iron.
Great idea on the cast iron, Ioriag!
I use coconut oil first thing in the morning in my coffee. Also anything fried is a must. I love it for my hair, it makes it so soft and shiny and smells delicious 🙂 It’s an excellent skin lotion. Great for baby’s bottom too… no chemicals to worry about little ones absorbing. There isn’t too much I can think of that I Don’t use coconut oil for!
It really is great stuff, Sue. I especially like the Tropical Traditions brand because it smells like coconut, too. 🙂
Isn’t it going to cost a mint to ship this gallon of oil? I’m going to try to find some.
The nice folks at Tropical Traditions take care of that for me. 🙂 So enter, already. Maybe you’ll win!
I actually use coconut oil on my son’s skin a lot for his eczema.
Thanks Dandi!
I thought I had already commented but must have been dreaming. I use coconut oil in cooking, oil pulling, lotions and balms I make up. When I remember I have it in my tea or coffee. It is good for so many things.
Thanks Lesa!
Pingback: Organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil | Tropical Traditions Special Deals
I love to use it in my coffee! I also cook and bake with it all the time. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m glad you entered, Jessi! Good luck!
I add coconut oil to our morning smoothies, grease cooking pans, saute almost anything, moisturize my hands…lots of uses!
We use coconut oil for frying, baking, on our skin, in our hair and eat it from a spoon!
We use coconut oil for all manner of cooking; from making icing for a cake to saute’ing yummy things.
I like to use coconut oil for creams and lotions and I am starting to learn to use it more in cooking.
I use coconut oil for frying and moisturizing my skin.
i use it for hair treatments for my hair 🙂
I use the coconut oil for oil pulling, haircare and skincare products that I make, thank you.
I love coconut oil!
I use coconut oil for as much as possible: cooking, baking, skin care, hair care, and oral care.
I use it whenever I can. One thing not shared here – it’s great for your dogs skin and coat too. A teaspoon in their dinner does wonders.
Caroline, this I’ve never heard of! Thank you for your comment! I have a couple of older cats that look scrawny and kind of bedraggled. I wonder if it would be good for them, too?
I use coconut oil all the time in baking and for a skin moisturizer.
Looks delicious! I usually use coconut oil to cook with but I also make body cream, lotion bars, and lip balm with it.
I like using coconut oil in my granola and to pop popcorn.
I would love to try their coconut oil. Please enter me in the drawing. I’ve had it in cookies and sauted vegetables.
It’s all we use for cooking. My wife uses it in her hair. We love it and the honey from Canada!
I, too, LOVE my coconut oil….and even bring it over to the western countryside of Mongolia, where we live and work for the sake of the gospel of Christ.
….thanks for this opportunity!
Good for you, Lisa! God bless!
I LOVE coconut oil. Use it for all sorts of things and right now am using it for my DH psoriasis . . . with DMSO . . . helping a LOT>
That’s great, Bonny!
I use coconut oil for cooking and for hand cream and face cream.
I use coconut oil as lotion and in my cooking. Great stuff!
I use coconut oil for all KINDS of things, from cooking to softening my feet!
I use coconut oil in most of my cooking and baking. I love it!
We use coconut oil in our coffee.
I use olive oil in all my cooking and on toast in place of butter.