Cream Wafer Sandwich Cookies: dolled up for Spring!
Light, flaky, cream wafer sandwich cookies are fun to make for special occasions. Or any occasions. And they are soooo easy to eat!
These Cream Wafer Sandwich cookies have been on my mind for four years.
I went to a charming event years ago at a friend’s farm. This friend is not only a successful flower farmer, she’s also a superb cook. She had laid out a lovely spread of cookies, finger foods, and hot tea at break time during the event.
I helped myself to a little sandwich cookie, one of many that were piled up on a platter, placing it on my saucer with another cookie or two. It was dainty, unassuming. Though I’m always watching my girlish figure (haha), I’m also a BIG fan of anything with cream filling–donuts, cookies, cream puffs, chocolates, ask anybody–and this little sandwich cookie had a tiny skiff of pale green filling.
That filling spoke to me. It said “I am the cookie for you, my dear.”
I popped it into my mouth and my taste buds began–I kid you not—to sing. Audibly. I instantly regretted only grabbing one! In due course, I extricated myself from the conversation I was on the edge of (I’m not an “in the the middle of” conversation type very often, so I can ease out and in rather easily, without being missed) and hied myself through the crowd back to the refreshment table.
Back to that little mound of sandwich cookies.
Only–to my sturdy disappointment–all the lovely little sandwich cookies with the beguilingly delicious filling were gone!
That was a moment that will live in infamy.
There had, after all, been an impressive mound of these cookies . . . these perfect, flaky, unusually tasty, cream-filled cookies . . . and I only got one. *sobs*
Geez. One.
Later, I emailed my friend and asked her for the recipe. She told me that she had made over 300 of these cookies for her wedding party, decades ago, and that she and her new hubby “basically lived on the leftovers” in the weeks after the event.
In passing one day, she handed me a card with the Cream Wafer Sandwich Cookies recipe hand printed on it. Yay! Unfortunately, I lost the card fairly immediately, and subsequently hated to ask her for a second one. Boo.
It was probably for the best, I figured, in my disappointment . . . I could have eaten an entire mountain, or at least a good-sized hillock of those little cookies. They were that sweet and delightful. You know: a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the (burgeoning) hips. Blaaaa. Waaah. I confess that I have a dangerously keen sweet tooth.
So. Time passed. I nearly forgot all about the perfect little sandwich cookies o’delight until what should roll around but . . .

I can’t stop seeing these little cookies, sticking out their pale pink tongues at me.
That Fateful Day.
In a thrift store in a tiny town in Nebraska, I picked up an old Betty Crocker Cookbook. It took me back a few decades. My mom had that same cookbook when I was a girl (probably she still has it). I stood there holding it, and remembered that the recipe for Paintbrush Cookies that we used to make when I was a girl was in that cookbook.
Standing there in that tiny thrift store, I let out a cry of delight when I opened the cookbook and turned instantly to the page where the recipe for those Paintbrush Cookies was. Amazing. Incredible. Geez.
But perhaps even more amazing . . . was what I saw, lower down on the same page.
It was the Cream Wafer Sandwich Cookies recipe . . .
–that my friend had served at her garden event. Yes, the selfsame recipe that I had lost the hand-printed card of. My mouth fell open. There was a photo of them even, and they looked just exactly the same, down to the fork-stabbed holes on the tops, and the pale green filling. (Oh that filling.)

oh that filling
I started babbling like the town idiot to a little old lady next to me. (Since it wasn’t my town, though, it didn’t matter to either of us.)
“Oh, Betty–Betty Crocker, you do take the cake!” I murmured, feeling a strange rush of affection for this woman, er, actually this brand and fictional character developed in the 1920s, to answer the multitudinous questions of housewives of that time.

I like this. Homemakers should be held up in high esteem! What’s more important than making and maintaining a beautiful, productive home, after all??
The story about Betty Crocker is a very interesting one, by the way.
Finally. I had the Cream Wafer Sandwich Cookies recipe that I’d been dreaming of.
Well, now I wish I could tell you that I went straight home and made them that very day, but gentle reader, you know me better then that. But. I did make them within a few weeks of bringing the old cookbook home. I made them for a large Christmas family event, and–once again–they disappeared pretty dang fast.
The neat thing about these cookies is that they taste equally good, of course, whether you make them for Christmas (with green and/or red filling) or Valentine’s Day (pink or red filling would be fun) and I think they’d also be good for wedding showers and any other special events.
Think of summer graduation parties (little mortar board cookie cutters?), baby showers (cutters in the shape of rattles, diapers, baby suits, etc.), Easter (think Easter eggs, chicks, tulips, baskets?) chick-hatching celebrations, to celebrate a birthday, whatever you like! You’re only limited, of course, by your imagination and the depth of your cookie cutter jar, not to mention the variety of your food colorings.
I love Spring
I believe I’d admitted in this space before that, were it an option, I would marry it. I’m grateful for my hubby Bryan, of course, but if he hadn’t have come along when he did . . . I would have married Spring that year. In a heartbeat.
Everything is better in the spring, and I hope you’re lucky enough to live with some folks who you are devoted to, with whom you can revel in lovely things like Spring. They would undoubtedly love it if you made these cookies for them some day soon.

Speaking of devotion
I made a batch of these cookies recently, and–believe it or don’t–I did share them with my housemates, to whom I’m devoted. More or less.
And now I’ll share the recipe with you.
A word of advice though: don’t wait four years to make them. You might forget where you saw that recipe. Make them today and share them with somebody you love. <3
Cream Wafer Sandwich Cookies recipe — ta-da!
Cream Wafer Sandwich Cookies o'Delight
- 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 egg yolk
- granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
- 3/4 cup confectioner's sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 2 tsp heavy whipping cream
- 1-2 drops food coloring
- Mix egg yolk with cream, then beat with softened butter and flour. (SEE HOW EASY SO FAR??)
- Cover and refrigerate about an hour or until easy to handle. Take a nap. Or read a couple chapters of your current book. You deserve a break, no doubt.
- Preheat oven to 375°.
- On a lightly floured surface, roll out about a third of the chilled dough to 1/8-in. thickness. Cut with a floured 1-1/4-in. round cookie cutter, or whatever cookie cutter floats your proverbial boat.Carefully dip cookies in granulated sugar, on both sides.
- Place 1 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets.
- Prick each cookie 3-4 times with a fork.
- Bake 7 to 9 minutes or just until set but not brown; cool on wire racks.
- Make creamy filling: In a small bowl, combine soft butter, confectioners' sugar, vanilla and enough cream to achieve desired consistency. Tint with food coloring if you wanna.
- Carefully spread filling on bottom of half of the cookies; top with remaining cookies. These cookies will keep a long time, but they don't usually last more than a day or two at our house.
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and the best rolling pins for all your pastry-rolling needs, of course, including rolling out these cream wafer sandwich cookies are made right here in Nebraska . . . and–lucky you!–you can purchase them from my blog shop!
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Thanks for popping in, my sweet friend.
Have a good one!
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Really delicious recipe
Thank you, Chris! I’m glad you enjoyed it!