The day my blog went viral
The day my blog went viral, the winter wind was blowing a gale. I crawled out of bed early, struggling to focus my eyes in our dark, cold house. That wind! Gracious, it really made the house cold, the way it was whistling around the corners. I started the day like most others: padding to the coffee machine. Feeding the kitty. Sipping my cup of bulletproof coffee. Planning and praying over my day, during the only quiet hour or two of the day, in this house.
When I finally pulled up my blog to do some writing, I noticed that there were already a lot of views–a lot--for so early in the morning, especially. I wondered what was happening to cause this, but I had too much work to do to spend much time wondering about it. I had posted my first giveaway the day before, a drawing for a sweet collection of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, but I didn’t know if I’d gotten the timing right . . had most people already ordered or purchased their seeds by now? Was I too late to interest anybody in such a thing? Did anybody (besides me!) actually plant that many tomatoes in their gardens?
And then I checked my e-mail. Kathy, the super-nice media lady from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, who had supported me in the seed giveaway, sent me a note that she had just posted my blog article on the Baker Creek facebook page. I clicked over there, and sure enough. There was my post. And it already had quite a few likes and comments. So that’s where the traffic was coming from. Cool! (Thanks, Kathy!)
Here’s the free heirloom seed giveaway I posted:

Here’s the collection of 8 heirloom tomato seed packets that you can win if you enter my giveaway!
By breakfast time, it looked as if my post was going to set some records for me. It was neat to see the numbers jump up by the minute, but I tried to keep my excitement under control. It looked like I might have a big day on the blog, but there were other important things going on, too, and I decided not to let my blog take over my day. It’s so tempting to pore over stats and comments and likes and views and so forth, but I am my kids’ Mom and teacher first, so I encouraged the kids to get their morning chores done, and then we settled down to breakfast and school. I didn’t mention the (potentially exciting!) activity on my blog.
I kept it quiet. I was all like, this really cool thing is happening on my blog but I am cool as a cucumber, because I know that the most important thing is loving my family and teaching my children . . .
And then I couldn’t stand it any more. I had been keeping it understated. Low-key. First-things-first. “How about brown sugar and cinnamon on your oatmeal”ish, and all. For a good, oh, say, 30 minutes. But then. I mentioned to my daughter that my blog just might be going viral. Very low-key. I could be wrong, I assured her. The rapidly-growing numbers could stop. Boom. Just like that. You never, after all, really know about these things. No way to predict when your blog might go viral. Or stop going viral. Whatev.
Amalia is not a low-key personage. She shrieked, jumped up from the school table without a word and dashed into the other room and grabbed Bryan’s iPad. Bryan was doing online teaching in the basement office, with the family computer.
Amalia pulled up my blog post, gasped loudly, eyes shining, and then she pulled up my stats, shrieked again, and then she pulled up my Facebook page, laughed and hooted and cheered hugged and high-fived me. So much for low-key.
I smiled demurely and shrugged, and then I calmly reminded her that we wouldn’t let this take over our day. We won’t, will we, Amalia? Education, after all, is more important than blog stats. Feeding the fire, and keeping the house warm, and practicing the cello, and making nutritious food, were waaaaay more important today than the bitty numbers on the computer screen . . . right?? We would not lose focus on our schoolwork . . .
Through her glee, Amalia promised to put away the iPad and not to look at it again until after school. At least, until she had finished her math. And perhaps her writing assignments. But then could she just take a peek, please? We decided that this would be a prudent course of action. On a day that your blog, just possibly, might be going viral.
And then. The unthinkable. The power went out.
I mentioned that the wind was really blowing, did I not, and you didn’t really heed it because the wind is nearly always really blowing at our place. The weather forecast was for High Wind Warnings for the day, with gusts of up to 55 mph predicted. That’s quite a stiff wind, even for our windy area. We all giggled, in the suddenly dark and quiet house. Good thing we had a wood stove, and that we had been feeding it all morning. We wouldn’t be cold, anyway.
Bryan came up from his office and called the power company. Yes, they knew there was a power outage, thankyouverymuchsir but they didn’t know where it was yet. They were on it. “Well, my teaching is over. Without electricity, I can’t teach,” Bryan said and he prepared to go to work. “Have a nice day,” he said to us all. “Hope you get your electricity back eventually,” he laughed, as he left to drive to the City where, presumably, they still had power. Lights. Etc.
Amalia, little Mack, and I didn’t really mind not having electricity. We knew that it wouldn’t be for long, in any case. It happens. Only once, since we’ve lived out here, did the electricity stay off for more than one day, and that was during a three-day blizzard. This was no blizzard. Just a mighty, mighty wind. Mighty enough to blow a power line down, someplace. Where they couldn’t find it, apparently. Not yet.
We lit candles. Malachi was enchanted. He loves candlelight. He loves any excuse to strike a match. Did I mention that he is a boy? It was quiet. There was no music playing on the radio, no hmmm of the refrigerator running, no chunkchunkchunk of the dishwasher doing its job. No checking of the stats on my blog. No shrieking from Amalia.
My blog was going viral and I couldn’t watch it do so. But that was okay. I didn’t want to be distracted by the computer all day. Maybe the electricity going out was just a blessing in disguise.
We huddled by the fire and worked on our schoolwork together. I gave Amalia her spelling test. I helped little Mack with his math. Let’s count by three’s . . . 3 . . . 6 . . . 9 . . . . 12 . . . Mack was thirsty. Amalia was thirsty. I was thirsty. Oh yeah. No electricity = no water at our place.
When our electricity goes out, because our water pressure tank runs by electricity, we have no water. I made a mental note that it would be a very good idea to keep a few gallons of drinking water on hand in the pantry, just in case. It had been two hours now with no power. We were all parched, suddenly. Inexplicably. We were living in a desert, no water, no water, blaaah. So thirsty.
The guys in the big electric company truck came down our driveway and got out of the truck and studied our lines and box, gestured, studied, kicked their boots in the dead grass, and shrugged. Twice they did this. They looked bewildered. And windblown. I had a feeling that the problem wasn’t going to be repaired any time soon.
My blog was going viral and I couldn’t get a drink of water. Or flush the toilet. Or take a shower. Or make a piece of toast. Or even find the bread in the dark kitchen. Or bake some bread, even (when I discovered that there was no bread, in the dark).
Strange day. Delightful day. Quiet day. The day my blog went viral.
There was still water in the hot pot, and it was even still fairly hot, so I made all of us a cup of tea and we sat down and worked on history–we’re studying the Civil War–and then, Latin. It was nearly lunchtime and we still had no electricity. It was so quiet, and I was starting to enjoy it.
I went to the ‘fridge, to see what there was in there that we could eat for lunch. “Cold lunch today, kids!” Let’s see, there was salad . . . boiled eggs . . . leftover stir-fry. Oh my, that left-over stir-fry would be so good, if only we had electricity . . to heat it up . . .
“I want something hot!” Mack said, suddenly, and Amalia, huddled next to the wood stove, reminded him that we had no electricity to make something hot to eat. Then she chucked another log into the wood stove.
“Wait . . . we can have a hot lunch!” I said, struck with a sudden thought. Within a couple of minutes, I had a cast iron skillet full of the leftover stir-fry, and another pot with water, rice and salt. We put them both on the top of the wood stove, and Mack happily agreed to watch over them, a wooden spoon in each hand, while Amalia and I finished our Latin chapter. Within twenty minutes, we had steaming hot rice and sizzling stir-fry veggies to eat for lunch. Oh yeah. You can cook quite nicely on a wood stove.
Life was good!

Little Mack took his stirring responsibilities very seriously. “Getting a little hot here, Mom . . . “
Since buying some new furniture for the living room, we’ve had a “NO EATING IN THE LIVING ROOM” policy, but Mack asked piteously if we could eat our lunch in the living room, where it was warm, just this once. So that’s what we did.
It was the best hot lunch ever, we decided. Afterwards, Amalia and I cleaned up in the dark kitchen, while little Mack heated up hot chocolate on the wood stove: with a special addition. Or, rather, three.
The day my blog went viral, we celebrated by adding three kinds of marshmallows to our hot chocolate.
After we finished the morning’s schooling, I sat on the couch and thought about all the things I couldn’t do without electricity: I couldn’t do the laundry. I couldn’t wash the dishes. I couldn’t work on my blog. I couldn’t bake bread. Wow. There was so much I couldn’t do without electricity. I felt a curious sense of relief.
But I could practice my banjo. And . . . take a nap. I could take a long nap! No clock to watch! I could read a book. I could have a long play-date with little Mack. A day without electricity was beginning to look very attractive, indeed. We could play Monopoly by candlelight.
And then (you guessed it): the power came back on. The refrigerator started to hum, the dishwasher went back into action, several lights came back on, and the radio started playing music again. My goodness, we’d left that volume up quite loud!
Little Mack let out a wail. “Whaaaat?? NO! I don’t want the electricity to come back on!” he cried from the woodstove, where he was heating up another batch of hot chocolate. “It’s so much fun to have the lights out!” I looked across at him. I was disappointed, too. Now all those things that I was going to get out of, I had to do. Well, maybe not.
“We can pretend that it’s still off . . . ” I suggested, quietly. “We could turn off the radio and the lights and leave the candles burning. At least for the afternoon. (I was thinking, leave the laundry in the baskets and the dishes in the sink, just this once.) “We can, however, get a drink of water and flush the toilets.” Little Mack grinned. “Okay,” he said, brushing away his distress. “Now do you want all three types of marshmallows in your hot chocolate, Mom?” he asked, his good humor restored.
“Absolutely,” I said, watching him as he proudly carried that pot of steaming hot chocolate to the kitchen. It isn’t every day that your electricity goes out. It was possibly the best thing that had happened to us in quite a while, and I wasn’t going to hurry us out of it. After all, my blog was going viral.
There were plenty of reasons to celebrate this day, and leaving the electricity off was a great way to make the day special. Who knew? Now we did.
- FREE heirloom tomato seeds collection giveaway!
- Growing your own ginger: easy as 1, 2, 3, . . . erm . . . 4
Here in Michigan, we lose power for days. A generator is very helpful. Also, I love Bakers Creek! I ordered from them for years and have all their books. We raise pet ducks here in Fowlerville. Glad I found your blog!
Bonnie, welcome! A generator sounds like a smart investment!
Oh, I just love this post!! 🙂 This sounds like the most delightful day. I could use a day without electricity, I think!
It really WAS a delightful day, Jenny. Little Mack, especially, was entranced!
How cute! And congrats on going viral!! I found your blog via the giveaway mentioned on Baker Creek but I’m staying because I love finding new gardening/cooking blogs. Cheers to more blog success!!
KK @ Preppy Pink Crocodile
Wow! Congrats on your blog going viral Amy!
Oh, wow. So that’s what happened. I thought the weather might have had something to do with your problem. But I had no idea about your popularity. Well deserved.
This post is a doozie too. I hope they all pop back to read it.
I believe this is what everyone wants. It’s great and refreshing to see when your blog does go viral! Thanks for sharing!
What a brilliant read! congratulations on your blog going viral, that’s so awesome. I loved the way you weaved the viral blog excitement through the story of the day. You actually made having no electricity or water sound like fun. I enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing your success story with us. Blessings, Andrea
Hi I truly love your post, how life makes us put in perspective.
I would have loved being there that stir fry looked so good!
My daughter made that stir-fry and it was very delicious! She’s a good cook!
Wow – congratulations, Amy! I loved the excitement you conveyed … and then the grounding and inspiring ‘lesson of the day’ – and what makes things special. Ironically, I think THIS post should go viral. And who knows, maybe it will!
Great article, and now I want some hot chocolate with three types of marshmallows. And you went viral. I wonder if that is what knocked out your blog post. Looks like Little Mack is becoming a real handyman to have around. We go without electric powder for a few days when we visit family in the hills of Mexico. It really is a great adventure. We have some of those solar powered lights that you put along your walk way. We put them in the yard in the morning then at night, before going to bed, we put a couple in the bath room and some in the hallway and we have light for those such as me, that get up in the middle of the night. The hardest part is 5 or 6 days without computer or phone access, but we make it through those times.
Just fabulous news Amy, brilliant and so hugely deserved.,
What a wonderful story too. Sometimes electricity is so
Your posts always get me going in several directions at once! First of all how nice to get that kind of support from the company whose product you are promoting. Second congrats and way cool. I know the feeling when something exciting is going on but you just can’t (or shouldn’t be distracted by it). UGH… Sounds like the power going out was a mini-blessing and also made the next op to check even more exciting! You go girl… Luckily you weren’t having the server probs that day!
Well you may not have had any local power, but cyber space was going strong! Congratulations on going viral.
Thanks Barbara!
What a fun post!!
What an educational bonanza! 1. Always have an alternate heat source (I wish we did-we are at the total mercy of the utility companies, ironic given our long ago homesteading experience 2. Everything in life can be turned into an educational experience 3. Going viral will cause you problems due to the greatly increased traffic – I read an interesting post a few months from someone else who had a post go viral – and it gave her big time hosting problems – so glad you had “in house support”. Finally 4. Chocolate solves all problems.
Of course you’ll come up with a fantastic list of all the good things that happened that day! It ended up costing me hosting problems, too, since our webhost shut me down for a day because I was getting “too much traffic.” (I thought that was the point!) But my sweet son saved my bacon and switched everything over to a new server, so it’s all good. Growing pains, I guess! I totally agree about the chocolate!
Wow, the day your blog went viral…that is so cool. And with no electricity. Congratulations
will comment back –
Thank you Joyce!
Such a cute story, and one that I bet you’ll happily reread yourself for years to come! What are the odds that the power would go out on the same day that you go viral? Congratulations on the high numbers – and on not focusing all of your energy towards watching them rise and rise, even if you had no choice!
Beth, no matter how famous I get, my kids and the habit of our electricity to suddenly go out, will keep me grounded and humble (no pun intended on the grounded part, hehee). 😉 just kidding!
Congratulations on your blog going viral and having such a fun day! I’m glad you all enjoyed yourselves and it is true, sometimes going off the schedule and normal lifestyle can be the best thing that happens to you.
Joanna, agreed!
I think it’s awesome your blog went viral. You have to be so proud of that.
I would love to win those seeds for the patio garden I have in Tucson. I guess I would love to grow tomatoes, I have done it out here before and I had to give them away to neighbors, we had too many to eat. It felt good though to share in the blessings with others.
It’s always fun to have plenty to share, isn’t it, Rachel! Especially something as beautiful as heirloom tomatoes!
Losing the power for an hour or four is one thing. Losing that tether for 8 or d days makes one remember howmuch everything we do relies upon that jolt!
Glad you survived with aplomb…
Oh- and did the furniture need cleaning after the meal?
Little Mack rose to the occasion, Roy, and he kept the stir fry in his bowl and in his tummy. The new furniture escaped serious damage. 😉
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Fun! What were the three different kinds of marshmallows?
What Latin curriculum do you use? (We use First Form here in the younger years than Latin in the Christian Trivuum later)
Orange Blossom, thanks for asking!! The three kinds of marshmallows: mini Peppermint ones, French Vanilla Snowman mallows (such fun) and some regular mini marshmallows, stale ones, that we found in the cupboard.
And the Latin curriculum we use: Lingua Latina is what we use for our older kids. We LOVE it! Little Mack sits in on our lessons and is a passive learner. 😉
Congratulations on your Blog going viral.
It is exciting when you realize that millions of people are viewing your thoughts.
Keep up the good work and I emphasize the word ‘work’ , as work is most definitely involved in giving your readers fresh content~
Dorothy, I so agree! Thank you!
Love this! Part of my childhood we lived off grid and it was the best time. I’m glad you all enjoyed for little off-grid time too 😉
Sometimes we forget how invasive electricity (and all our amusements) can be!!
I love your blog! I also love growing heirloom tomatoes in my garden!!
Thank you Katjo! Heirloom tomatoes are my FAVORITES, too!
I thought I would leave a funny comment after answering the anti-spam question and it didn’t think I was funny at all and it erased my whole big fat comment. 🙁
Anywho…I messed up my tomatoes last year and I want another chance! White tomomatoes?? tomomatoes…that’s a good typo. It makes you laugh if you say it out loud!
Awww, now I feel a big fat curious sense of loss, that I missed out on your original comment!
so presumably once you had flushed the toilet and had a drink, you fired up the ole internet to see what the stats said, yes?
Well–of course, Gordo!!