Follow me Gentle reader, I hope you are well. I also hope that you’ve been able to find a plethora of good things out of the difficult situation that we’ve…
Read moreQuarantine Coloring Pages freebies & The Sunken Dungeon Kickstarter!

Follow me Gentle reader, I hope you are well. I also hope that you’ve been able to find a plethora of good things out of the difficult situation that we’ve…
Read moreFollow me Weirdness Haven’t the past few weeks/months been weird? I’m not sure what to think any longer, but I do know that this Pandemic was intensely fascinating and a…
Read moreFollow me I already know that God has a sense of humor (observe the platypus, the pangolin, the alligator gar, capybaras! the naked mole rat) but I am struck today…
Read moreFollow me Juniper is a young female raccoon, and she is featured on the labels of my new dried herbs and spices tins. Coon Creek Herbs is the name of…
Read moreFollow me (By the by, this post may contain affiliate links, which in turn may lead to a small commission to my blog, though it will cost you nary a…
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