Quick Veggie Stir-Fry Recipe & Back-to-Schoolishness

Follow me Here’s a puzzlement for you, gentle reader: if you are a farmer (raising hand) or a serious gardener (same) and you spend self-indulgent (ha) amounts of time during…
Read moreFollow me Here’s a puzzlement for you, gentle reader: if you are a farmer (raising hand) or a serious gardener (same) and you spend self-indulgent (ha) amounts of time during…
Read moreFollow me A recent post by Ben Hewitt rung true to my heart, right now, right where we are. Bryan and I bought our country place place thirteen years ago,…
Read moreFollow me I was a public school kid, and I liked school. So people have asked me, over the years, why I…
Read moreFollow me Pity the plight of the last-born in a large family. My youngest, little Mack, is 6 years old and clearly wins some and loses some, due to his…
Read moreFollow me (A version of this article was published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and Homeschool Iowa Magazine, with photo credits going to Rebecca Miller and Amy Young Miller.) My…
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