Hoophouse Building, Phase 6 part B

Follow me This ought to be a question every prospective bride asks of her suitor: “Will you, if the occasion arises, scoop manure for me?” I would imagine that not…
Read moreFollow me I’m a little befuzzled on what to sub-title this post. So many ideas. It could be simply “Manure!” or I could be less crude and call it “Preparing…
Read moreFollow me Our building project is taking on a fervor and an excitement and a red-rimmed-eyes-and-a-sun-burnt-scalpness to it that was heretofore unknown. We’re all just ready for it to be…
Read moreFollow me Guess what? One of my dreams is coming true, beginning last weekend, when we started building a hoop house over one of my garden spaces. I can hardly…
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