The Enemy of my Chicken is my Enemy: 10 tips to protect your flock

Follow me First, I stamped my feet and gritted my teeth. I might have also wept a few tears for the poor dead hen that lay in my chicken yard,…
Read moreFollow me First, I stamped my feet and gritted my teeth. I might have also wept a few tears for the poor dead hen that lay in my chicken yard,…
Read moreFollow me (If you’d like to start this tale at the beginning, start here.) It had been quiet around our place for several weeks now. The only thing we’d caught in…
Read moreFollow me (If you’ve missed this riveting tale, you can start the whole shebang right here.) After we set up the very very very large live-trap, we were buoyed with optimism. …
Read moreFollow me (Wanna read this entire saga from the beginning? Here is where you start.) We had not had any adverse attentions to our chicken flock for several days in…
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