Best Frog Eye Salad recipe & possible/probable? origin story
Frog eye salad is a dessert salad that shows up at nearly every one of our family gatherings. If it’s not there, there’s a pretty good/weird/confusing reason why not. Here’s the best frog eye salad recipe, and a couple of possible/probable? origin stories.

Can’t you just feel this in your mouth . . . so creamy and pebbly? and frog-eyed? Yummmmm.
Frog Eye Salad and the typical Young’s Longing for Glory
At nearly every major holiday, my family gets together and enjoys a glorious meal. We’re all enthusiastic cooks and also rather (good-natured, mostly) competitive where “glory dishes” are concerned. (Or, perhaps more accurately, “seeking the most attention” dishes.)
What’s a glory dish? The dish that gets the most oohs and aahhs, of course. Usually there are several that compete for this honor. The cook or baker gets to blush with pleasure as eaters enthusiastically call her out.
One Easter in particular, my little sis Mollie earned the most glory points. Not only did she bring buttery bunny-rabbit rolls (extra points because they were still warm), she also brought a beautiful quadruple-layer chocolate cake with a rich, fudgy frosting and (another bonus!) creamy filling as well.
Yes, Moll made two winning contributions to the Easter dinner that year. Not bad for the baby sister. She’s a savvy cook actually and deserved all the oohs, ahhs and cries of delight that resulted.
I don’t remember what I brought that day, but obviously it wasn’t as superlative as a quadruple chocolate cake or buttery bunny rolls. Probably a forgettable plate of tired celery sticks. Or a big jar of pickles, room temperature. I don’t remember and I can guarantee you that nobody else did, either.
It wasn’t my turn to shine. Clearly.
Why does the Frog Eye Salad always steal the show?
However. It is always curious to me that no matter what delicacies anybody else brings to a Young family feast, the Frog Eye Salad that my sister Anne brings always steals the show.
I can imagine three possible reasons for this phenom, to wit:
- The huge red Tupperware bowl that she totes the salad in elicits such pleasure as to trigger a kind of Pavlovian response. One sees the big red bowl and, because of prior delicious encounters with the frog eye salad, mouths automatically begin to drool? . . . or . . .
- Possibly the fact that if you arrange things carefully on your plate, you can have this closer-to-a-dessert-than-a-salad with your main course (everybody expects it) and then also have a second scoop on your dessert plate (ditto!)? Double pleasure. . . . Or is it simply because . . .
- Frog eye salad is just the perfect, creamy, fruity accompaniment to any meal?
Possibly/probably, it’s all three.
Like everything else that my sister Anne does, this is her very best effort, the best Frog Eye Salad recipe that she has come up with, after tweaking the recipe for years.
Are you ready for the recipe?
But wait! We were going to talk origin story, first, weren’t we? After all. A salad called a peculiar name such as Frog Eye Salad has to have a good story behind, am I right? Of course I am.
So without any further preamble, let’s examine a couple of origin stories that I ran across on the interwebs. Or someplace.
Possible/probable? Origin Story 1:
Once upon a time, long ago, an impoverished mother sent her two young sons out into the woods to find something for the family to eat. (The bone-idle father of the family had absconded months earlier with the family egg money, and hadn’t been heard from since.)
The brothers settled in to fish at a local fishing hole. Times were hard, and folks in the area already had pulled most of the fish out of the pond.
One of the boys, however, actually snagged a very large bullfrog. Minutes later, the other brother did the same. It seemed that the pond–devoid of fish–was teeming with bullfrogs. The two hadn’t ever eaten frogs before, but since they were starving and had been taught by their mother not to waste a thing, they built a quick wood fire and roasted the frogs.
The two discovered that the legs were particularly delicious, and they happily spent the rest of the day catching frogs for the family’s dinner. When the boys presented to their mother a large mess of frogs that evening, with the boys’ assurances that the legs were delicious roasted, she went to work. She quickly had the frogs cleaned and the legs roasting on the fire, but she couldn’t stand the thought of wasting all the eyeballs.
Of all things.
Thrift had been ingrained into the good woman at an early age, ingrained very deeply indeed. So she boiled up the eyeballs and chilled them in the icebox, as she wondered what she could do with them.
An idea came to her the next day, and she mixed the cooled eyeballs with fruit, a dab of whipped cream, and a few other things that sounded good to her from the icebox, and Frog Eye Salad was born.
The family’s fortunes changed that day. The humble housewife earned all the glory that was due her, and as the inventor of Frog Eye Salad, she was given the honor of riding on the largest float in all the town parades from that day forward, and the mayor gave her the key to the village. ⇐ The End ⇒
p.s. The nature of frog eye salad changed course over the decades, and now contains no actual frog eyeballs. **the actual end**
Probable? Possible? Hmm. It causes one to wonder.
Question #1: Frog Eye Salad: what the heck is it?*
I’m always surprised when I mention this splendid salad, and get, in return, blank stares of non-comprehension and the inevitable question “What the heck is it?” Quite often the question is followed by this one: “Does it really contain frog eyes?”
Usually I launch into the story that I recounted above, causing much confusion, of course, and skepticism. Why are people so skeptical these days, I wonder?
Question #2: How is this a salad?
Fruit–pasta–whipped cream–more fruit . . .
It’s kind of a confusing dish, now that I think of it, and that brings me to . . .
Possible/probable? Origin Story #2
I’m not making this one up. Not that I made up the one above, I just thought I’d put that out there, first thing. This salad reportedly has Mormon roots. At least it was very popular in Mormon circles, primarily in Utah and Idaho.
A Mormon woman with twenty-two children was very busily working in her kitchen, preparing the family Easter feast. Thirty two cousins and all their children were coming for dinner, and my goodness did she have a lot on her plate.
The good woman was in the process of making twenty-two pies and twelve dozen bunny-shaped yeast rolls in the summer kitchen. AND a four-layer chocolate cake was cooling in the pantry.
All at once it occurred to her: The Salad! She had forgotten to make a salad! Her oldest daughter was watching the goose that was roasting in the oven, her hubby was feeding the wood fires to keep everything cooking, and several of her other children were attending to setting the table, arranging pickle trays, sampling the warm buns that she had put out onto the countertop, etc.
But the salad: how could she have forgotten? She grabbed the arm of one of her daughters as she hurried past. “Amalia!” she cried. “Please help mama out and go make a salad. The icebox is packed with plenty of greens from the garden.”
Amalia was a good girl and she went straight to the icebox, and started digging for salad greens.
Little did she know that her little brother–a staunch hater of all green foods–had earlier that day fed every green thing he could find to the family’s stinky goat, as a kind of pay-back for the goat being a stinky pain that day. Amalia loved her little brother, despite the goat incident, and she knew that he would be “sent to the woodshed” if her father found out about it. She determined then to quickly and quietly make a salad out of something else–anything else!
So the creative lass pulled leftover fruit cocktail, eggs, whipped cream and some leftover pasta (that she quickly chopped up into little pebbles) out of the icebox, and whipped it all up together. She tasted it, then tasted it again.
Though she couldn’t decide *what the heck it was, it didn’t matter. The 32 cousins and all their multitudinous children had arrived, and it was time to serve dinner. She put the–whatever the heck it was–into a pretty bowl, hoping that her mother wouldn’t notice that it had not even a hint of green in it, and placed it on the table. At the last minute, she stirred in a couple handfuls of mini marshmallows into it. For good measure.
The–whatever the heck it was–was embraced fondly by all the cousins, the children, and there wasn’t even a morsel left to toss to the stinky goat. The salad later earned the nickname “Frog Eye Salad” because of the texture of the chopped up pasta noodles, and it became locally famous among the Mormon community.
The father was never the wiser about the loss of the greens, but the goat developed an annoying taste for greens and the mother had to fence the garden off from him. ♥ The end ♥
Frog Eye Salad: a definition
Frog Eye Salad is silky and fruity and feels so good on the tongue, and it tastes especially good the day after your feast, so you really should make a very large batch of it so there are leftovers, which you will have to squirrel away in the farthest reaches of the ‘fridge so your large teenaged son doesn’t snarf it all down first.
Ask me how I know this.
Gentle reader, trust me and if you’ve never made Frog Eye Salad, make it so you’ll know what I’m talking about. My words cannot quite do it justice, I’m certain of that. And, for the record, it’s not even that hard to make.
Try it–it may just become a family favorite and it may earn you the glory points too!
Finally: Frog Eye Salad recipe (cymbal crash!)
Best Frog Eye Salad
- 1 1/3 cups acini de pepe pasta, cooked, then drained and cooled
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 Tb flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 large eggs, beaten
- 1 1/2 cups juice from *drained pineapple
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 can crushed pineapple, drained (reserve*)
- 1 can fruit cocktail, drained
- 1 can mandarin oranges, drained
- 1/2 cup mini marshmallows (optional)
- 1 1/2 cup whipped cream
- Mix together sugar, flour and salt
- Drain all fruit well (other canned fruits can be used too).
- Gradually stir 2 beaten eggs and fruit juices into dry ingredients in saucepan. Cook and stir until thickened. Add lemon juice and let cool.
- Add fruit to cooled mixture and (optional, depending on your marshmallow preferences) marshmallows.
- Fold in whipped cream.
- Refrigerate overnight.
- Serve while cold and settle back for compliments!
A few other recipes you might like
- Super-simple tapioca pudding recipe made with coconut milk!
- My family’s favorite pie for a crowd: Cherry Pie Squares, so yummy with a light glaze on top.
- Blueberry Focaccia with lemon sparkle sugar: so easy to make, so glory-inspiring!
- A very special recipe from our Mennonite neighbors: Conversation Coffee Cake!
- Totally going to try this hot cross buns recipe from Artisan Bread in 5!
Pin it for later
Thank you popping in, my friend!
I’d love it if you comment below and let me know if you tried this recipe, and if so, what you thought of it!
Take care!
big *hugs* until next time!
- Quick and creamy salad dressing with lemon, garlic and ginger
- My Mom’s sweet & creamy spring lettuce salad
Holy Moly ! I got name checked on your blog, thanks so very much. I am not famous, I am just me and now I am in possession of new found knowledge. I now know what a frog eye salad is. I really wanted to believe you weren’t gathered at the Easter table chowing down on frogs/fish eyes. I guess I should have been logical, Birds Nest Soup isn’t actually a birds nest and so on and so forth. Thanks so much Amy xx
You’re so much fun, Anita-Clare! I’m glad you got a little attention from my post. Now you’d better make some frog eye salad! 🙂
Well, I think getting my picture posted in a tie-dye tank is more than enough payback for insisting on bringing glory dishes! 🙂
Oh, I do hope I’m not in trouble. . . you know that you’re always beautiful to me, li’l sis, even in a tie-dyed tank! 😉
Vomiting chicken and frog eye salad… Well, so much for me eating breakfast this morning! Lol! Great Easter tradition to share. Love the recipe print graphic… Neat option!
Thanks MelAnn! Hope I didn’t ruin your breakfast, after all. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh wow that sounds good, I was quite intrigued to find out what it was as I was reading I kept picturing green olives, I was so off on that LOL
Kirsten . . . thanks for your comment and I am still trying to get my mind around green olives in this salad . . . nope! Don’t think so! 😉
You have a gift with the written word. That doesn’t bring you any glory but still I do enjoy reading your posts. 🙂 I will have to check out your frog eyed salad. I’ve never heard of anything with the pasta & the fruit before. Interesting.
Thanks so much, Shawn. I appreciate your kind words, and I’d love to hear if you try the Frog Eye Salad!
I love that name, and the dish looks delicious. Probably much more that the catfood pie and thistle salad that earned a place in our family annals!
Catfood pie? Thistle salad? I’m almost afraid to ask, Gillian . . . !! Thanks for your comment!
I love frog-eye salad! That was a staple growing up! I was surprised when I moved that not many people have heard of it! I make it every chance I get, which isn’t often anymore. Thanks for this great post which reminded me I need to go make some soon!
Yay! Go for it, Teressa!
Haha, gross 🙂 . I tried to convince my kiddo to do an April Fool’s prank on my husband where we made a backwards dinner – meatloaf “cupcakes” with mashed potato icing and pound cake “french fries” with icing “ketchup”. She wasn’t going for it.
Interesting recipe!
We usually do a lot of April Fool’s Day pranking at our place, Angie, but that’s a new one on me! I’ll remember those ideas for next year!
Sounds great despite the kind of “icky” name 🙂
Thank you! I guess you get over the name after a while!
Haha! Good old Molly… always stealing the glory! That “salad” sounds similar to a jello salad that’s been around my family for many years. It reminds me of it because when you tell people the ingredients, they can’t really understand that it could actually be good, never mind glorious, but it is glorious too! I’d love to try to make your Frog Eye salad, but I’ve never heard of that pasta before. I’ll have to check the grocery store. Thanks for sharing!
You may be surprised at how easy it is to find acini de pepe pasta. I think our little Wal-Mart carries it, so at least around here it’s not hard to find. Of course I suppose they could just stock it for our family . . . . we buy a lot of it! Thanks for your comments.
Whew!! I wasn’t sure what I was going to find when you said “Frog Eye Salad”. After reading and looking at the ingredients how could I not LOVE it!
Yeah, Toni, anything with fruit cocktail AND pasta AND Cool Whip–what’s not to love! 😉
Hmmm I’m not so sure about the name but the picture at least looks yummy.
Thanks so much!
So funny! You had me tickled and confused the whole way through! Giving glory to the Frog Eye Salad…though I’m not sure I’ll be trying any anytime soon. 😉
Thanks Donlyn! Try the recipe–one thing you won’t be confused about it how good it tastes!
Ah yes. I know this product from school days. My English husband used to eat it with his school dinners, but in Australia, we just called it dessert. Certainly not Frog-eye-salad. Haha. That would put squeemish children off.
You have the most delightful imagination! I love your posts. As for Frog-Eye, In my far distant youth I had this made with large-bead Tapioca instead of pasta. The tapioca is translucent with the appearance of a lens, and looks very much like little eyes in the bowl. I had to close my eyes to eat it!
Thank you, Janet! I’ve thought about subbing in tapioca for the pasta. My family loves tapioca, too!
Such an unusual recipe! And as one who has spent close to a half century in the kitchen my curiosity is PEAKED! I will need to give this a try for sure 😉
Diane, I do hope you try it! It’s special!
Love the “glory dish” story, and the recipe looks great, too!
Thanks, Kathy! I hope you try the recipe!
FES makes a tasty breakfast too. 🙂
I know, my friend. I know. 🙂
Really delicious recipe. I love it yummy!!! It’s really awesome
I’m in Texas and had never heard of this before. I could not find the pasta so I used couscous instead. Someone told me it was similar. I made this to serve at the monthly birthday party for residents at a nursing home. Everyone that tried it absolutely loved it. They are used to unusual food items from me….kool-aid pie, sauercrout cake, tomato soup cake…..but I do believe this is a favorite. Next is the church potluck dinner. Will let you know how it goes there. Loved your origin stories!
I’m so glad the Frog Eye Salad was a hit at your birthday party! HOnestly I don’t know anybody who doesn’t love it! I’d like to hear how it goes over with your church potluck!