Follow me Today, Gentle Reader, we will catapult ourselves into Christmas preparations by starting the cookie-baking, stat! (Hang–on–tight!! Those catapults really have some force!) I had specific goals to tackle…
Follow me Gentle Reader, I am so thankful for you. I return to this space again and again, to write and to share and give you something, hopefully, of value.…
Follow me Gentle Reader (deep shaky breath): I’m opening my new blog shop this weekend! I’ve had plans in the works for it for a time, but I’ve gotta share…
Follow me Gosh, so much has happened since I’ve written about our kitchen remodel. I had to go back to the first post about it to remind myself of what…
Follow me This is a good week to have a conversation about ginger root, isn’t it? After an intensely-satisfying week on my part (I spent the better part of Thanksgiving…