Follow me Gentle Readers. If one of your previously-ornery-children, now a fine young grown-up man, asked you to write a story about him when he was a mischievous little boy,…
Read moreThe Mystery of the Disappearing Laundry

Follow me I had another one of those soul-searching, crushingly humbling moments a few weeks ago. You know what I’m talking about, parents, please, please tell me that you do.…
Read moreFollow me Nope. We’re not finished yet. At this moment, as I am writing these words, my longsuffering hubby is painting polyurethane on the inside of my new kitchen drawers…
Read moreFollow me I would imagine, my Gentle Reader, that the last time you bought a carton of kiwifruit at the grocery store, you looked down at the fuzzy brown fruits…
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