My new ebook “Secret Chicken Knowledge: I’m Full of It!” is here!

Follow me Guess what, gentle readers? It’s your lucky day! Whyever? you might ask. And it’s well that you do! Because . . . today you can purchase my new…
Read moreFollow me Guess what, gentle readers? It’s your lucky day! Whyever? you might ask. And it’s well that you do! Because . . . today you can purchase my new…
Read moreFollow me *Ménage: simply put, a household And heavens to Betsy, why doesn’t WordPress allow for cool little characters (like the é above) in blog titles? How can I use…
Read moreFollow me I do think it’s past time for an Icelandic chicken update, don’t you, my patient Gentle Reader? I have the best readers in the world, by the way.…
Read moreFollow me Sit down, Gentle Readers, for just a moment. I have a chicken history lesson for you. And yes, there are pictures at the end. Let’s begin. In the…
Read moreFollow me Hi guys! Two things today, and two things only: First, I need to ask your opinion about something very important. And: I’ve got a pretty astounding chicken-feeding technique…
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