Interview with Brad, Wild Boar Farms “Tomato Guy,” and seed giveaway!

Last weekend’s blizzard dumped nearly a foot of snow on us.
If you are a market farmer or a serious tomato grower, you probably have heard the name of Bradley Gates. And if you don’t recognize that name, you may know the names “Blue Beauty,” “Blue Berries,” “Pink Berkeley Tie Dye,” “Indigo Apple,” and so forth. (And Brad, if your name isn’t yet a household word, I’d reckon that the name ‘Pink Berkeley Tie Die’ is, at least in many households!) These are just a few of the new breeds of tomatoes that Brad has developed in the past few years. There are more; they are impressively beautiful, strikingly different, and Brad has shared seeds from some of them with me so I can do a tomato seed giveaway! (With you, dear gentle readers.)
Winter is not loosening its grip on Nebraska. By the way. *siiigh* But we do not complain.
Okay, maybe we do complain. A little. Or a lot. But if–after complaining a little or a lot about another snowstorm, another week of grey, cold days, another BLIZZARD THAT MADE US MOVE OUR MELODRAMA TO ANOTHER DAY (true story)–we are holding a handful of seed envelopes in our winter-chapped fingers; if we have a garden planner in one hand and a bag of germinating mix in the other; if our seed catalogs are dog-eared and coffee ring-stained: why, we know that we will survive until Princess Spring condescends to appear. “Better late than never” we’ll grumble, as we pick up our hoes and wheelbarrows, raise our fish belly-white faces to the sun, and get to work.
We will make it through this, the longest winter ever (seemingly). The record-breaking, chilblain-inducing, winter of 2018 and 2019.
(I can tell you one thing. I, for one, will never again moan and complain about never getting enough snow here in Nebraska, nor will I wonder aloud the matter of whatever happened to the “good old-fashioned winters of my youth.” That is my stern resolve.)
Anyway. *sigh* Back to Brad Gates, my new friend and (I wish) my new neighbor. I just had this flight of fancy, after I heard about how many tomato plants that Brad plants every year, and also how he invites chefs out to his place to taste all those new varieties that he’s coming up with . . . yeah. I’d take him for a neighbor. Especially if I could move to the San Diego region of California where (I’ll reckon) I bet it’s not STILL snowing. Though it started snowing in October, and it’s nearly March.
So . . . unlike here.

See, Brad grows even more tomato plants than I do!
I blame this congenial farmer Brad, in part, for getting me into market farming. Heirloom and artisan tomatoes (like the new breeds that he has been developing) are such a satisfying thing for me to grow, that years ago I got into this habit of growing more than we could ever use. Waaaaay more.
Another farmer friend wondered aloud why I wasn’t selling them. Good idea, thought I, and so . . . I started selling them. It turns out that chefs in Nebraska like fancy, unique, delicious tomatoes, too.
Brad’s my kind of guy. I’ll bet when he first started growing tomatoes, a few of his nearest and dearest raised their eyebrows at the number of plants he grew each year. You and me, Brad.
After working Saturdays for a summer selling at farmers markets for a friend, Brad became fascinated with the farmers market scene and began growing “those weird non-red tomatoes,” or heirloom tomatoes. To find heirloom tomatoes then (and now, actually), you either had to shop farmer’s markets or grow them yourself.
Brad grew 500 tomato plants his first year, and the next year he doubled that number. Now 14 years later, Brad owns a farm and wholesale business that supplies tomatoes to Bay Area restaurants and businesses. He also hosts a series of Farm to Table events in mid to late August as the tomatoes ripen on his farm each year.
Brad is the proprietor of Wild Boar Farms near Napa, California, where he offers some of the most unusual tomatoes available on the planet. Using heirloom genetics and mutations as a foundation, and growing organically and sustainably, he creates tomato varieties with new colors, flavors, and shapes. His goal: to create the most amazing tomato varieties possible. You can read about my experience with many of Brad’s varieties by looking back at my “Heirloom Tomatoes that I’ll Grow Again posts. There are several of them.
Brad’s current main focus is on bi-color and striped varieties with different flavors and fascinating looks.

These tomatoes, a new variety named “Brad’s Atomic Grape” were heavy producers in my garden patch last year–see?
Brad: I have been obsessed with tomatoes for about 25 years so I don’t see that changing. I’m wanting to expand my Nursery business. I will definitely continue breeding new tomato varieties, without a doubt that is the funnest part that I do. I have dozens and dozens of tomato crosses still yet to finish.
Brad: I’m growing about 15,000 plants to sell as Nursery plants. Another 2000 plants for breeding and evaluation that will be field-grown. Also working on a project to grow two to three thousand plants to sell the fruits.

This is one of my favorite cherry tomatoes to grow: Blue Berries, one of Brad’s beauties.

Here’s my pretty assortment of cherry tomatoes from a picking at our place last summer. Several of Brad’s varieties are in this mix.
Me: Every year I tweak my tomato planting process, trying to better meet the needs of my tomato plants. Last year, for example, I realized that I really needed to put more space between my plants, which ultimately did make for healthier plants. Do you have any tried-and-true tomato planting techniques that you would share with my readers?
Brad: One of the problems some gardeners have is not enough space for all the tomato varieties they want to grow. I have a technique where I put three or four plants where you would usually plant one. I then prune all the suckers off of each plant. In the end the four plants look like one plant but have four different tomato varieties instead of one essentially tripling or quadrupling the amount of varieties you can grow.
Brad: Every year is different for sure. I do not own land and have to lease so moving to new locations can be very challenging. Optimizing soil health is key. Hard to grow healthy plants in the unhealthy soil. Good compost and organic fertilizers work best for me. I truly believe that healthy soil amps up the tomatoes natural defenses.

Thanks for popping in, Gentle Reader. Hang on. Spring is coming. I hear. I hope. It is, right??

These Blue Berries cherry tomatoes of Brad’s are one of my favorites, and so photogenic, don’t you agree?
- 11 Sanity-Saving Tips for February & a seed giveaway tease!
- What’s going on at our place: SPRING 2019
I love your blog! I have been a reader for a couple of years. You are a gifted writer!
I ordered Brad’s Atomic Grape seeds from Baker Creek this year but hope to try other varieties in the future. I am hoping to expand my garden space this year. I live in coastal SC where growing conditions can be difficult. Be encouraged, spring WILL come!
Tenley, I do appreciate your encouragement!! Thank you for your kind words. I’d love to hear what you think of Brad’s Atomic Grape. I grew it last summer and really liked it.
Well, if I win I’d need the seeds to start next month. We have such a short season and typically only get the tomato plants transplanted June first. Last year we had a horrible HARD freeze in early Sept…wiped out all my tomatoes! I was so not happy! It just caught everyone by surprise and then no frosts for the rest of the month when I would have been canning all that wonderful stuff….some years….blah..
Oh! Painful to get a hard freeze so early in the season, Mickey!! Do you ever cover your plants when there’s an early freeze in the fall?
even if I don’t win the seed packets, I will have to get some of the blue berries !!!
Yes! You’ll love them, Betty!
Those Blue Berries cherry tomatoes would look lovely in my garden. The Amethyst Cream Cherry tomato is quite the looker, too!
Indeed! I’ve been growing Blue Berries for several years now, and they are a very heavy producer, too!
Brad’s tomatoes are so photogenic,they don’t even need to be delicious! I bought Lucid Gem to try this year,and I hope they taste as wonderful as they look!
They are beautiful, aren’t they??
Thank you for the giveaway. Some vary interesting varieties. About winter…. our state (Oregon) got nailed yesterday, in areas that hardly, if ever, see any snow. Usually the flowering cherry trees here in the south western area of the state have started blossoming by now. Not yet. Patiently waiting for some sign of spring.
Dave, it is a strange year, weather-wise. Here in Nebraska, we are within a few inches of breaking the largest snowfall record EVER recorded for the month of February, and it is one of the coldest Februarys on record, too. Alas, I am not so patient, as I wait for spring.
The tomatoes are all so beautiful! The names! “furry” ones crack me up
Cherry tomatoes are eaten like candy here at my house…so we’re looking forward to seeing all different kinds of those. Recently learned about the blue berry cherry tomatoes that you pictures above and would love to try those!!
They are beautiful, Pearl. I hope you get to try them, too!
Love the post. Thanks for the give away!
Thank you so much, Erika!
Love the look of the Blue Berries. I want to grow so many varieties!
Alisa, me too! That is why my garden keeps getting bigger and bigger . . . and bigger . . .
I thought I grew a lot of tomato plants. WOW. Last year I had 60+. I like growing a lot of cherry land currant tomatoes in different shapes and colors.
Those are some of my favorites, Denise!
Those Blue Berries look so good! I’m afraid my tomato tastes run a bit superficial.. my favorite on the farm where I work is the Margold, which no one else on our crew particularly likes. I swear it tastes the best, but it is also the most beautiful so who knows why I really like it 😉
Lydie, I’ve heard some folks say that the Blue Berries are too tart for them–but I prefer the more tart tomatoes to the super sweet ones that are currently the rage. Plus, you’re right, the beauty of this variety is hard to resist!!
Oh goodness!! I am going to try the planting technique he shared. Just don’t tell Boyd. 😉 Grateful for a real winter, but dreaming of spring.
Indeed!! I am going to try that with a few of my plants, too! I think Timothy and Catie did that very thing last year in their garden. Springtime dreams happening here, too, my friend. <3
I need me some free seeds lol…my garden was small but very eclectic last year…i gots much larger goals this year
Plowing up the back yard, Shawn??
I love all tomatoes, but I will always be partial to the beefsteak tomatoes my grandparents grew that my dad used in bacon and tomato sandwiches.
*sudden longing for a BLT*
I absolutely love the blueberry tomatoes! I grew them 2 years ago and had more than I could possibly eat by myself and had to give lots of them away!
Jenn, yes, that is one plus of that particular variety—SO MANY of them on the vine!!
I am determined to try them all!!
Love Brad’s varieties! Our customers do, too.
I grew the Large Barred Boar last year. I loved them. Great Flavor!!. I am trying his new one this year Cherokee Rose along with the Large Barred Boar and Secret Sauce
Susan, I’ve not tried any of those yet. But I’m expanding my tomato garden space, so I ought to have room. 🙂
I am still trying varieties to determine my favorite, but I really haven’t met a tomato that I don’t like… So with that said, I’m most excited about growing WBF Blue Berries and Barry’s Crazy Cherry…. They are already well on their way since I’m in zone 9b. So excited for my first raised bed garden this year. I have only had 3 or 4 containers per year until now. Happy Growing!
Vikki, happy growing to you, too! You must have an enviably-long growing season down there in zone 9B!!
I loved this post! I shouldn’t order anymore seeds but I’ve been dying to try Wild Boar’s unique tomatoes! This post just convinced me to order a few lol I’ll find the room! Thank you for blogging about this. I love the site and can’t wait to read more of your posts. Happy planting!
Thank you, Ivana! Be sure to subscribe to my blog (put your email address in the little box up on the right) so you receive new blog posts!
I love Wild Boar Farms tomatoes! I actually had a whole raised bed named “The Brad Gates Garden” last summer and plan to do the same this year. Blue Beauty is my fav.
Ooh, Brianna, great idea on the Brad Gates raised bed!!
Great article. I like to can so my favorite is an Amish Paste type tomato.
Pink Berkeley Tie Dye is one of my favorites, having my taste buds trained by the more acidic aspects from my youth growing up in New Jersey.
Rutgers University looked at that when bringing back that great New Jersey flavor:
Thanks for the link, Ray! I prefer the more acidic tasting tomatoes, too.
Ooh, I would love these! I’m just starting out growing tomatoes starts for sale this year. I love the unique varieties, and I’m sure my customers will too!
They’ve always been good sellers at my little plant sale, Linnae!
I can’t wait to get into the garden this year, winter has been awful here with snow and ice and cold. I want warm weather and plants! These tomatoes are so beautiful.
Audrey, here too!! We are all anxious for springtime.
This is the first year I have planted seeds from Wild Boar Farms. I am so excited to harvest them.!
Love the Pink Berkely Tie Dye and the Napa Rose.
The Dark Galaxy tomatoes look really good! I have never seen them.
They are certainly intriguing, aren’t they?
We’ve grown various types of tomatoes; I guess Heiloom is my favorite!
I am so excited that growing season is about to begin! I have never been so excited about growing tomatoes, until I discovered Wild Boar’s varieties. I hope that this year is a success.
Me too, Gretchen!!
I want to grow all of Brad’s amazing new heirlooms!!! I am slowly geeing a chance to grow his many varieties! I am only able to grow like 4 tomato plants at a time and almost all space is devoted to his varieties! So I am looking forward to getting to grow all of them hopefully one day soon!!!! Thank you Brad for putting your talents to making these amazing tomatoes!!!!
They really are unique! I hope you grow several of them, Nicole!
I didn’t find my original comment, but this is my first year growing Wild Boar Farms tomatoes. I’m excited about lots of them, but this year I’ve got the Blue Berries and Barry’s Crazy Cherry going already. I’d love to try one of the fuzzy varieties, dark Galaxy, or even the Pink Berkley Tie dye.
My favorite so far has been the Blue Berries Tomatoes, fun colors. I”m trying Barry’s Crazy Cherry this year and can’t wait.
Blue Berries was the first one I tried, I believe, Samantha. I had to wait two years to purchase it from Baker Creek, because they had a limited supply the first year. Funny that I didn’t even think about going straight to Wild Boar Farms to find some!
I love growing tomatoes! Each year I plant old dependable favorites & try one or two new ones.
Me too, Diane!
Thanks for the posting your interview with Brad Gates & running the Wild Boar Farms seed giveaway.
You are welcome! My pleasure to share the news!
I love that you are sharing the good news of Brad’s tomatoes with folks, Amy! Last year I grew a couple of his varieties, and Berkeley Tie-Dye was a favorite. I made delicious sauce from the fruits that were super creased. I would love to try Blue berries.
Berkeley Tie-Dye is definitely one of my favorites, too!
Honestly, I love the little sunburst ones. They’re sooooo tasty to snack on in the Summer.
So sweet!
This produce is unbelievably beautiful. What a fun colorful garden those would make!
Yes! They really are so beautiful!
Great post! I love the Atomic grape! I grew 5 plants last year. Amazing flavor and yield.
I loved it too!
Well… look where I am… I find myself in “the present” with this post! It’s been a pleasure to read it through from the beginning… watching it change and grow in so many ways.
You are my Greatest Fan, Helen, for better or for worse! Thank you. *smooch*
One of my favorite tomato varieties: SteakHouse Hybrid
How do you find out if you won or who won the seeds?
Sorry, Nikki. Shelly C won the seeds. I posted the announcement on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, but it would be good for me to add a note on my blog also, which I’ll do. Thanks for checking in!